King's Business - 1923-07

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QLe Chosen People, 4ie Land, and die Book Notes Concerning the Jews and PropKecy

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English occupation and Zionist activity in' P alestine doubtless more has been done to provide th e inh ab itan ts of Je ru ­ salem w ith a safe and sufficient w ater supply th an was done during th e cen­ tu ries of Turkish occupation. The city had bu t one small fountain so th a t in form er times th e people were almost entirely dependent upon cisterns, which were oftentimes so foul th a t outbreaks of typhoid and m alaria were very com­ mon.” Power W ireless S tation The Marconi W ireless Company is now sta rtin g negotiations for establish­ ing in P alestine a powerful wireless telegraph station. This w ireless sta­ tion will be able to send out telegram s to all p arts of th e world. Should this be realized it would greatly Improve th e position of P alestine as a com­ 1 It is said w ith a suggestion of sad­ ness th a t th e motor is gradually put­ ting th e camel out of business in the Holy Land, according to an article in th e Los Angeles Times. F o r 6000 years th e good old camel has plodded patiently over the hot sands bearing his burden of merchandise or hum an­ ity, but now he is compelle‘4 to step aside while the buzz wagon whiazes by on its way to the Valley of Ajalon. The streets of Jerusalem are becoming so cluttered up w ith automobiles th a t th e civil au tho rities th ere are w riting to the mayors of American cities for ideas in regulating the motor traffic of a town. The speed lim it of P alestine is to be extended to fit changed conditions. mercial center. The Automobile

A ntipathy of th e Arabs The following from th e daily press shows something of th e sp irit abroad in P alestine: “During an Arab parade in Jerusalem in celebration of ‘Nebi Moussa’ (the P rophet Moses) a rio t oc­ curred and several arrests were made when the m archers shouted, ‘Down w ith Zionism,’ ‘P alestine is our country,’ ‘Long live Mustapha,’ etc. On account of the procession th e Jews were pre­ vented from reaching th e ‘wailing w all’ for prayer during Passover, an age-old custom. This act created great feeling among the Jews.” F irs t Power S tation “The first power Station in connec­ tion w ith th e electrification of Pales­ tin e,” says “Chosen People,” “ has ju st been completed a t Tel-Aviv. The Auju River, no rth of Jaffa, is being utilized to furnish th e power. This is th e be­ ginning of th e g rea t scheme planned by Pinchas Rutenberg, Russian Jewish engineer, for converting th e w ater power of P alestine into electricity for lighting th e cities, prin ting the news­ papers, runn ing th e trolleys and factor­ ies of the Holy Land. Baron Edmond de Rothschild, of Paris, has subscribed $5,000,000 to the Rutenberg Conces­ sion.” G reat W ater Supply An Associate P ress dispatch on April 7, says: ‘‘The pressure of an electric button pu t in motion th e machinery bringing th e w aters of th e Pools of Solomon to th e Holy City. It is th e consummation of years of work, involv­ ing a large outlay and much engineer­ ing skill. During the five years of the

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