King's Business - 1923-07


most encouraging. The people turned out in large numbers. Not only the townspeople b u t many from th e sur­ rounding country attended the meet­ ings having to walk in from nine to ten “Li.” (3 Li equal 1 mile.) “The band held Bible classes for the children every night, besides th e ir regu­ lar preaching services. Sixty of the school children attended and they were divided into four classes tau g h t by four members of th e band. One hundred adults gave in th e ir names as enquirers and they have opened up a chapel. They have ren ted a fairly good sized build­ ing and are paying the ren t themselves. The Hanshow church has contributed $20.00 toward repairs and' furnishings. “ It was my g reat privilege to go th ere on th e opening day, February 4th, which was the la st day of the band’s stay a t Mao Chia P ’u. The chapel was gaily decorated w ith' flags and lan tern s, and about 300 people gathered for the morning service. I was impressed w ith th e orderliness of the crowd, it was surprising to see such raw country people who had never heard the Gospel before sit so quietly and listen so intently. A fter th e open­ ing of th e service and before the read­ ing of th e Scripture th e children were brought to the fron t to sing a hymn recently learned, and my! how they did sing w ith all th e ir m ight as though th e g reater the volume of sound the b etter th e song. The children then left w ith th e ir teachers and a children’s service was held in a building fu rth er up the street. “F ou r days la ter th e Evangelistic Boat w ith Band No. 10 set sail for Hanshow. Many of th e people gathered on the shore to see them off and as they were to sail a t daybreak th e next morning those who lived in th e coun­ try came th e night before and camped on the shore in order to be on hand when the boat left. A great crowd assembled to see th e p arty off, and oh, how very relu ctan t they were to have them leave. They sang hymns, and many cried b itterly as they realized what a g reat blessing th e band had been to them , and now as they were beginning to have a th irst for th e Gos-

STIRRING REPORTS FROM THE BIOLA EVANGELISTIC BANDS JOOD news is coming in from all parts of th e field, news th a t fills our h earts w ith praise and thanksgiving to the loving God Who has in stitu ted this work, and has graciously given to us a p art in it. Today I w ant to share some of th e good news w ith you. A couple of months ago I w rote you of the or- ' ganization and sending forth of Biola Evangelistic Band No. 10, and I am sure th a t you will rejoice w ith us in th e g reat blessing th a t God has poured out upon th e men and upon th e peo­ ple of th e district in which they began th eir first y ear’s work. A most in ­ teresting le tte r has ju st come to hand from one of the m issionaries in charge of th a t field, and the following extract from it will give you a graphic picture of th e methods employed and the precious resu lts obtained. The. le tte r was w ritten by Miss Bessie E. Pike of th e Christian and Missionary Alliance. Miss Pike is a sister of Miss Grace Pike of our own staff. Miss P ike W rites “ One of my last country trip s was tak en to Mao Chia P ’u, one of th e many towns in o u r d istric t th a t have had no previous opportunity to h ea r th e Gos­ pel. The Biola Evangelistic Band No. 10 had spent more th an five weeks there. This is a thickly populated d istrict and five weeks have been in ­ sufficient to thoroughly canvass it, but as the Chinese New Year season was coming on they had to close up th eir work, for th is is th e great holiday tim e of all th e year w ith th e Chinese. Our six men retu rn ed to th e ir homes, but Dr. Keller’s men have been spending th e ir week’s vacation here a t Hanshow as th e ir homes are too far away. “As they are booked to go on to another p art of our field next week it is hard to know when they will ever have ano th er chance to finish the can­ vass of th e Mao Chia P ’u district for it will take them nearly four years to make a complete to u r of our en tire field. The work a t Mao Chia P ’u has been

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