King's Business - 1923-07

THE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S up «the work begun by our Biola Evan­ gelistic Bands. At present th e Bible School is full to capacity. We have had to refuse a number of applicants th is Spring, and fear th a t we will have to refuse many more this F all for lack of room. We need th ree additional dor­ m itories most urgently. Will you join us in prevailing prayer th a t God may provide the funds necessary for th e erec­ tion pf these th ree dorm itories? —F ra n k A. Keller. Changsha, Hunan, China

706 pel th e ir teachers were leaving and they could not' tell when they would ever have such a good opportunity again to learn more of the precious Gospel message. They followed th e boat, walking along the shore for about a mile before they were w illing to re­ trace th e ir steps homeward.” This sto ry emphasizes the g reat im­ portance of the work being done at the Bible School in Changsha, tra in ­ ing men to be evangelists and pastors, men who can step into ju st such places as Mao Chia P ’u to conserve and build

1 j holy ^ ¡ Ílíe/ieveon t¡! a all Christ and I W be saved a, i Iff

rpIBLE1 Lord Jesus | thou shalt- i thy house. |6'31



friends, because of my earnest desire to help you to do th a t which will bring to you unspeakable satisfaction both here and in th e Great H ereafter. Industry is very commendable, yet if it tak e our atten tion from m atters of g reater impprtance, it wiil prove but a loss to us. My eighty-two years of life upon this earth and sixty of those years in striving to live the Christian life, cause me to feel assured th a t you and I can do no wiser act th an to ac­ cept God’s Offered G ift of E te rn a l Iiife, And now, w hat th ink you of this m a tte r of which I w rite? I tru s t th a t you will not do as some are doing by seeking to hide behind th e imperfections of those who fail in living into th eir daily life th e principles which they profess, as Christians. Well will it be for us, if we can realize th a t it is our own acts and in ­ fluences for which we m u st give account and not for the acts of others. If these few words th a t I w rite shall prove helpful to you I will be more th an glad. Very Sincerely your friend, J. T. Danielle.

WANT to w rite some words for your thoughtful consider­ ation which, I tru st, will re­ ceive /your atten tion and ap­

proval. . To you, who read these words, let fne urge th a t you consider now this m atter of g reatest importance which can and should claim th e serious a t­ ten tion of every thinking man and Woman. The g reatest surprise and saddest thought , which comes to us mortals, is th a t of the general neglect which is given to th e duty of preparing, while here on earth , for our life beyond th e grave. And may I ask,-y|Have you con­ sidered th is m atter and w ith th a t ser­ iousness which it should receive? If you have not done th is may I most kindly urge, as you read these words, th a t you do now take th is subject into most serious consideration and may you, w ith God’s help, make now such decision as you will not reg ret when you and I meet at The Judgm ent Day to give account for all th a t we have done while here upon th is earth. I w rite- these words to you, my

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