King's Business - 1923-07



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H HE Bible In stitu te of Los An­ geles has been “ loaning” Mr. Nicholson to Ireland for th ree years, and now prayer has and we are expecting to put on an evangelistic campaign in Los Angeles beginning in August. We covet your prayers for the work. -The following is taken from “The Life of F a ith ” : T h at history repeats itself is as tru e in th e realm of religion as in any other. And today the-N orth of Ireland, in the wonderful Revival experiences through which it is passing, is bearing witness to th e fact. Rem iniscent of 1.859 Not since th e memorable days of 1859 has U lster w itnessed anything like th e present movement. In a tru ly rem arkable way God is passing over th e land, and once again men are openly rejoicing in the rich stream s of grace th a t are pouring down from the heav­ enly fulness. In la st week’s article I referred to th e sp irit of holy enthusi­ asm th a t so abundantly manifested itself in the meeting which I endeav­ oured to describe. But th a t sp irit is by no means confined to indoor or out­ door meetings. I t is a mood which is characteristic of th e people who, in city and village, are being swept into the Kingdom on the crest of a wave th a t is rising higher every day. You will be pleased to h ear th a t th e good work of th e Revival is still going on steadily in U lster, not only in th e cities, bu t in thie country dis­ tricts also,” w rote a friend in Belfast to me th e other day, no t knowing th a t even as he w rote I was on my way across to see the work of God for my­ self. “ I have ju st heard ,” he con­ tinued, “ of a very rem arkable move­ ment in some of th e villages in Co. Down where, in one week, almost 200 persons have professed conversion. It seems th a t th e very breath of God is

going over th e country; th ere is now no difficulty in talk ing to people about, religious m atters; it is th e every-day- conversation in tram or bus. Several prayer meetings have been started , and are being carried on w ith vigor, in ware-rooms, private houses and public institutions. The g reatest develop­ ment, however, has occurred in the shipyards, in some of which as many as tw enty daily prayer meetings are be­ ing held.” And when one remembers th a t not so long ago the men in some of these works were divided by enm ity and bitterness, th e change is all the more noteworthy. As in every other movement of the Spirit of God, old and young are meet­ ing tog eth er for prayer, bringing be­ fore th e th rone of grace friends and loved ones not yet on the Lord’s side. The burden of souls weighs heavily upon many a 'h e a rt, and th e longing; to see others brought into the fold is find­ ing expression in earnest outpourings. P ray er and Bible Study A medical studen t in Queen’s Uni­ versity told me th a t over tw enty of his fellow-students are coming together every day for prayer and Bible study. In factories and workshops th ere is the same eagerness to meet in groups, and to plead w ith God for th e salvation of unsaved relatives and friends. W ith such a volume of prayer dally ascending to God, th ere is a corres­ ponding anxiety on the p art of th e un­ converted to find the way of salvation. A friend gave me an illu stration of th is concern. I th ink he said th a t the in­ cident occurred th a t very day. One of the city m inisters who is rejoicing h eartily in what th e Lord is doing was traveling on a traincar when it was boarded by a tramway inspector, who also is in sympathy w ith th e Revival and has done not a little to win the tramway conductors and drivers to

prevailed for his re tu rn to this country,

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