King's Business - 1923-07



DR. OLIVER’SMISSIONTO NEWZEALAND coming of Dr. French E. rer to New Zealand m arks epoch in th e history of ngelism. We have had

you when all men speak well of you.’’. A five weeks’ campaign has ju st closed in Auckland, the larg est city of th e Dominion. The meetings were held in th e Town Hall which seats th ree thousand people and although th e sea­ son was th e ho ttest in th e year the meetings were splendidly attended. Dr. Oliver’s leotures to men and to women were a unique featu re of the campaign. The m asterly and yet deli­ cate way in which he handled th e sex question was simply amazing. No med­ ical man could have done it better. While all of his lectures were b ril­ lian t from every point of view, th eir main objective was th e salvation of souls. To hear th e emphasis laid on the blood of Christ as the only ground of the sinner’s hope and peace was to call fo rth th e thanksgiving of every child of God. In these days of infidel preaching, it is refreshing "to h ear a man like Dr. Oliver ring out th e grand old tru th of redemption through the blood. The results of th e campaigns have been gratifying. Hundreds have been converted in Auckland and Hamilton. The Christian people have had th eir faith in th e Bible strengthened. Their eyes have been opened to the deadly preaching of th e modern pulpit, and they no longer intend to support any m inister who is un faith fu l to th e Word. One of th e results of Dr. Oliver’s Auckland campaign has been the: for­ m ation of th e New Zealand Evangeli­ zation Society. The Society is founded on the historic faith of th e church and will aim at aggressive evangelism. It is intended to bind together all who stand foursquare on th e Word of God for a more determ ined defense of the faith. This Society will invite from tim e to tim e outstanding Bible teach­ ers and evangelists to conduct cam­ paigns th roughou t th e land. The day has come when no M inisters’ Associa­ tion h ere will invite evangelists and teachers who stand for th e en tire Bible, hence the need of th is society. Dr. Oliver is now tou ring the Domin­ ion and will be called to the cities of Australia. (Signed) Rev. Alexander A. Murray, M. A., United Evangelical Church, Auckland, New Zealand. F eb ruary 27, 1923.

many evangelists and teachers from abroad bu t Dr. Oliver is quite unique. He is a Christian lectu rer and delivers well-prepared lectures on almost ev­ ery doctrine of the Bible. The preach­ ing is of a very high order and shows him to be a man of wide reading, of studious habits and accurate scholar­ ship. It is w ith th e greatest ease th a t Dr. Oliver refers to th e original lan­ guages of the Scriptures and gives al­ tern ativ e renderings. As a m aster of th e Bible and as a preacher of the g reat verities of the faith, we have not heard his equal. Everybody knows exactly where he stands doctrinally, and one has to hear him bu t once to know th a t he is a champion for th e verbal inspiration of th e original Scriptures. Dr. Oliver is quiet and dignified in his manner of preaching and keeps himself under con­ trol. Yet he rises to g reat heights of earnestness, power and eloquence. No voice in th is land has ever been raised more au tho ritatively and strongly against modern infidelity in th e pul­ pits th a n Dr. Oliver’s. He is unsparing in his trea tm e n t of those who are deny­ ing “ the faith once for all de­ livered to th e sain ts.” F o r the past tw enty years the de­ nom inational pulpits of New Zealand have been honeycombed w ith German theology and th e official papers of these denom inations are comm itted to th e same propaganda. The tim e has come to expose these traito rs and Dr. Oliver is th e man who is doing it. There is still in New Zealand a godly rem nant who believe th e Bible from lid to lid and who praise God w ith one voice for th e courage and manly u tterances of Dr. Oliver. Dr. Oliver is th e friend and helper of every faith fu l m inister, bu t th e un­ faith fu l sceptical m inister has a bad tim e of it. L ittle wonder then if many of them oppose. It is impossible in these apostate days to be faith fu l to God’s Word and a t th e same tim e gain th e praise and co-operation of all the m inisters. It is certain Dr. Oliver won’t come under th e condemnation of those of whom it is said, “Woe unto

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