King's Business - 1923-07



BIOLA HALL WORK David Cant, Supt.— Our C ity M ission for Men in the center of Los Angeles. Meetings continuous from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. N oon-day P ray e r M eeting.

HE w riter has ju st been hand- . ed a list of over sixtj names of men and boys who have recently taken th e ir first step

allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ as th e ir Saviour and Lord. They were then instructed regarding a life of service for Him, and w ith a new vision of Christ, went on th e ir way rejoicing— “Once I was bound, but now I am set free Once I was blind, bu t now the L ight I see. Once I was dead, bu t now in Christ I live To tell the whole wide world the peace th a t He doth give.” Space perm its only a few illu stra­ tions. Another in teresting case was th a t of a lad, who, like Nicodemus, was a secret believer. He was lacking in assurance, which is an unsatisfying ex­ perience, cold and unfruitful. It was a g reat privilege to point him to the assurance of the believer as set forth in God’s Word, and thus bring peace and joy to his troubled soul. One of our boys, arriving at Biola H all when th ere were more workers than needed, followed a man from the Hall, pressing upon him th e g reat ne­ cessity of an immediate acceptance of th e Lord Jesus. Leaving him w ith the Word of God, ha continued around the block interview ing and w itnessing to fifteen men, finally w inning his last man. This is indeed a commendable zeal: which we m ight profitably fol­ low, and be sure of His reward. Lastly, we have been trying to pic­ tu re the joy in heaven when th ree sons of a m inister publicly confessed Christ a t th e same time. “This is th e message th a t I bring, A message angels fain would sing, Oh be ye reconciled, thus saith my Lord and K ing, Oh, be ye reconciled to God." m E arly th a t afternoon we started for the hospital a t Sawtelle, arriv ing be­ fore visiting hours. A t first we were refused permission to see the man im­ mediately, bu t upon stating th e case to the doctor in charge, he said, “Yes, you can go, for he probably won’t live long anyway,” Upon reaching his room, we found him in a very serious condition. He

in confessing the Lord Jesus, Christ as their personal Saviour a t Biola Hall. They , range from young lads to old men, and come from yarious countries, vocations and all stations in life. We are glad to repo rt quite a number from o u r U. S. and o th er vessels; One of these young men spoke of how open and responsive the boys are when th ere is an intelligent presentation and a definite personal appeal. This: boy was “ captured” by ohe constantly on the lookout for souls, a public confession followed, and almost a t once he wanted good, safe literatu re to pass on to his mates. During his stay in port he 'h as regularly attended our Converts’ Class, and his zeal and desire to reach others are indicative of a healthy growth in the Christian life. Who can tell the outcome of tih i one testimony for our gracious Lord, or the surprise when the lone worker "in th a t day” shall See the results pro­ duced by th a t one seed under the guid­ ance and power of the Spirit of God? As illu strative of th a t verse in He­ brews 9:27, one brigh t yoUng man was waiting for ano th er' “appointm ent” close to our entrance. Ju st before “ she” appeared, he was approached and found to be very ignorant of the Word of God, but seemingly quite re­ ceptive. Ju st as the message was fall­ ing upon a hungry and responsive heart, the young woman came up and also listened attentively. God’s plan of salvation was explained, and both of them professed th e ir acceptance of and HE telephone rang early one morning before we had sta rt­ ed for work. It was a long distance call from a woman whose husband was in the hospital seri­ ously ill. The doctors held out little hope for his recovery and she wanted someone to ta lk to him about his soul. “Will you go” ? she asked, and we as­ sured her we would.

WORK IN THE SHOPS Marion H. R oynold., S u p t.-M e e tin g , held in shops, factories, c a r-b a rn , an d fire engto houses in Los A ngeles.

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