King's Business - 1923-07



is it you are giving o u t?” , “Gospels and tracts. Ju s t a gift from the Bible In stitu te of Los Angeles. Have you ever accepted the Gift of God which is E ternal Life through Jesus Christ our Lord?” “No,” he said. “Well, will you accept it ju st as simply as you accepted th e lite ra tu re ” ? “Yes, I w ill.” God’s plan of salvation was explained and both w orker and inqu irer separated happy. No one but the Holy Spirit could do work so rapidly and thoroughly as th a t, for He alone reproves th e world of sin, :and of righteousness and of judgment. An Observer’s Testimony “ You Christians always seem happy, dress well, use good judgm ent when ashore and enjoy life” said a man on another vessel. “Yes, our F ath e r loves and cares for His own” we an ­ swered. Then the man told us how he found some trac ts in his room some months ago and what a help they had been to him,, bu t th e re were some things he did not yet understand. The next half hour or so was spent in clear­ ing away doubts and answering honest questions and when tim e for separa­ tion arrived, both he and th e worker were resting more firmly on the sure foundation, the Word of God. baptismal service in which they publicly confessed th e ir acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ. I t was also our privilege to lead a woman to Christ as her Saviour. Her little d aughter was sick. We went in and prayed for her and in a few mom­ ents the little child was much better. The mother said, “And prayer will do th a t? ” We answered, “No, the Lord Jesus Christ will do th a t in answer to p rayer.” H er response was, “Well, He is the kind of Lord I w ant to serve and live for.” . We were called to ano ther home where a woman, in g reat distress on ac­ count of serious h ea rt trouble, felt she was dying. She asked, “Will you pray w ith me? The doctors cannot help me.” We prayed w ith her and the next morn­ ing she called on th e phone saying, “ I would like to have you repo rt to the good friends of Biola Club and else­ where th a t God has answered prayer.”

worker, “ and so do th eir lives contra­ dict God’s standard as lived by the Lord Jesus Christ. Let me ask you some questions; W hat did these men do to uplift hum anity? Where are the most of th eir w ritings today? Into how many languages have they been tran slated? What good has been done by them in th e countries where they have been circulated? Now listen, do you w ant to pin your faith and tru st to something th a t changes every ten or twenty years? Why not anchor to some­ thing th a t has stood th e te st of ages? If you read the Bible you will soon dis­ cover your own photograph, bu t you will also find how you can be saved and happy.” Almost an hour was spent w ith the man and as we separ­ ated, leaving literatu re to meet some of his difficulties, he requested a re­ tu rn visit when his ship comes back. He was willing to examine the evidence himself and we know th a t “ If any man w illeth to do His will, he shall know.” Saved Through a P o rt Hole D istributing lite ra tu re to some of th e passengers on the quarterdeck of a Japanese vessel, we were called over to one cabin set ap a rt for a hospital. “ I would like to have some of your literatu re ,” a gentlem an said. “W hat N Pasadena th ere is a young woman who is dying from tu ­ berculosis. H er husband has given up an excellent position and is working for $50 a month in order to be by her side and com fort her. T h at is the love of Christ. Another young woman, a cripple, has been deserted by h er husband. She is a Christian, bu t he is not. It is a piti­ ful case. We have been praying for both of them and we covet your prayers. L ast Sunday morning it was our privilege to lead th ree to a definite ac­ ceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as th e resu lt of our message, and th eir hungry h earts are now satisfied w ith Him who satisfies every hungry soul. Sunday evening th ree others, w ith whom we have been working a t Biola Club, came out definitely for the Lord, and we had th e joy of assisting in a

BIOLA CLUB OF PASADENA Elwood P. Lyon. Supt. —O ur c en ter for Bible C lasses. E vangelistic Services an d Personal W ork, in th e h e art of th e C ity of P asadena.

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