King's Business - 1923-07

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THE 23RD PSALM Possession— “The Lord is my Shep­ h erd .” P ardon— “He resto reth my soul.” Progress— “Yea, though I w alk.” Provision— “Thou preparest a table before me.” P leasure— “ Surely goodness a n d mercy shall follow me.” P aradise— “ I will dwell in th e house of th e Lord forever.” — P eter Bilhorn. WHAT IS SIN? 1. Sin is "transgression,” a going beyond th e bounds of God’s law (1 John 3 :4 ). 2. Sin is “ coming sh o rt” of God’s requirem ent, a m issing of th e m ark of the Divine standard (Rom. 3 :2 3 ). 3. Sin is a trespass— an offense against God’s will (Eph. 2:1, 5). 4. Sin is iniquity— a falling aside from Divine rectitude (Acts 8 :23 ). 5. Sin is rebellion against God— an affront to Him (Job 34 :37 ). 6. Sin is a betrayal— a dealing treacherously w ith th e Lord (Hosea 6: 7, R. V .). 7. Sin is a debt-—a failure in duty (Matt. 6 :1 2 ). SIN— IN 1 JOHN 1. Source of Sin ................1 Jno. 3:8. 2. Universality of Sin 1 J n o .l:8 , 10. 3. Definitions of Sin 1 Jno. 3:4; 5:17. 4. Provisions for Sin 1 Jno. 2 :2 ; 3 :5 ; 4 :10 ; 1:7. 5. Believers and Sin 1 Jno. 1 :9 ; 2:1. 6. Assurance of sin forgiven 1 Jno. 2 : 12 . 7. Overcoming of sin 1 Jno. 5:18; 3:6. —K. L. B.

GOD’S ESTIMATE OF A GOOD WOMAN Text: Prov. 31:10-31, T itus 2:3-5, 1 Pet. 3:1-6. 1. V irtuous— therefore priceless as to character, v. 10. 2. F aith fu l to th e ir husbands, v. 11. 3. Goodness and kindness th e gen­ eral characteristics, v. 12. 4. Industrious and not idle. vs. 13- 19, 27. 5. Generous and helpful to the .needy, v. 20. 6. Good housekeeper in th e home, vs. 21-22, 27, T itus 2:4-5. 7. An honour to her own husband, vs. 23-25, Eph. 5:22, 33. 8. Gracious and wise in speech, not “ a gossiping talebearer.” v. 26. 9. Good wife and mother, vs. 28- 29, T itus 2:4-5. 10. Godly and sp iritu al before God and man. vs. 30-31, 1 Pet. 3: 1-6. (Ancient standard for Modern women, yet “ up to-date” always.) J. T. Larsen-^-U922. THE DEITY OF CHRIST Declared by— 1. His Duration— Jno. 1:1. “ In the beginning was the Word.” 2. His Association— Jno. 1:1. “Was w ith God.” 3. His Identification— Jno. 1:1. “Was God.” 4. His Operation— Jno. 1:3. “All things made by H im .” 5. His Possession— Jno. 1:4. “ In Him was life.” — R. S. Beal. SEVEN NAMES AND TITLES OF OiUR .LORD IN ISAIAH 9 :6 . 1. The Child.

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