King's Business - 1923-07



force th a t has ever operated (1 John 3 :1 6 ). 5. The unlocking of the g reatest problem th a t has ever engaged man’s atten tion (1 P eter 1 :11 ). 6. The supply of th e g reatest in­ centive th a t has ever been given (2 Cor. 5 :1 4 ). 7. The m aking known of th e g reat­ est example we can ever im itate (Eph. 5 :2 ). 8. The proclamation of th e grandest outlook for etern ity heaven or earth will ever know (Eph. 1:3, 11, 14, 18). — Sel. HE IS WORTHY As Lord, He is worthy of all homage and praise (Rev. 4 :1 1 ). As Overcomer, He is worthy to open the Book of E a rth ’s Government (Rev. 5 :1 -9 ). As the Lamb, He is w orthy to be ex­ alted by, and above, angelic hosts (Rev. 5 :1 2 ). As th e “ good” * Shepherd, He is wor­ thy of our faith and love, because He gave His life for us^ (John 10 :11 ). As the One who bears the “w orthy” * Name, He is g reatest of all (Jam es 2 :7 ). *The adjective “ good,” in these Scrip­ tures, is th e same as rendered “w orthy” in Jam es 2:7. i—F. E. Marsh. When a preacher listens w ith real pleasure to praise of his predecessor, he is an au tho rity on sanctification. I —jChristion Conservator. Air—Please! Many a good sermon has been ruined by an incompetent, or an indifferent sexton. How can a preacher preach in a barrel w ith the bunghole plugged up? This Clock Never Advances “We preach Christ, Him crucified.” In one of the old-fashioned mansions in the United States th ere is still to be PULPIT POINTERS Sanctification


2. The Son.


3. The W onderful Person.


4. T h e Counsellor

HE WISELY COUNSELS “HIS OWN.“ ' POSSESSOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. ALL SPIRITUAL FAMILIES RELATED. TO HIM. THE PRINCE OF THE KINGS OF THE EARTH. (Rev: 1.5). ' — John Meek. OUR GOD 1. God of Heaven-—Ezra 5:11. 2. God of Hosts—Amos 5:27. 3. God of the whole earth— Isa. 54:5. 4. God of Israel— Ex. 24:10. 5. God of our Lord Jesus Christ—- Eph. 1 : 17. 6. God of our fathers—A cts 24:14. 7. I God of P eac e—Phil. 4:9. ■—Harold R. Bingham. PERFECTIONS OF GOD 1. His w ork is Perfect, Deut. 32:4. 2. ■ His way is Perfect, 2 Sam. 22:31. 3. His knowledge is Perfect, Job 36:4. 4. His law is Perfect, Psalm s 19:7. 5. His w ill is Perfect, Rom. 12:2. 6. His love is Perfect, 1 John 4:18. 7. He H imself is Perfect, Matt. 5: 48.— T. B. THE DEATH OF CHRIST 1. The record of th e g reatest sin th a t was ever comm itted (Acts 2: 23). 2. The' exhibition of th e greatest love th a t was ever seen (Romans 5 :8 ). 3. The m anifestation of th e greatest victory th a t was ever achieved (He­ brews 2 :1 4 ). 4. The introduction of th e ¿reatest 5. The Mighty God. 6. The E verlasting F ath er. 7. The P rince of Peace.

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