King's Business - 1923-07

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


Lord, let' it be done to me as thou h ast said.” Now Mary’s husband was named Joseph; they were poor people, and Joseph was a carpenter. At this time all the Jews had to go to the city of th eir fath ers to be taxed, and Mary and Joseph w ent to Bethlehem , where David used to live, because they were descended from K ing David. (Tell th e story of crowded inn, his b irth , h er­ alded by angels to th e shepherds, and flight to Egypt.) How lovingly Mary wrapped the baby Jesus in th e swad­ dling clothes and laid him in the man­ ger crib. How carefully she watched over him and ta u g h t him th e things he should know as he grew up. (I wonder if we stop to th in k w hat a g rea t bless­ ing it is to have a mother who loves Jesus? Do we love mother and obey her? We remember we had a. memory verse telling us it was rig h t to obey our p aren ts in th e Lord. One of the g reat and noble presidents of our coun­ try, Abraham Lincoln, said he remem ­ bered his m o ther’s prayers, and all he was or hoped to be was due to his good mother. Many of th e g reatest men in the world give cred it to th e ir mothers for th e ir greatness. Boys and girls, have you ever thanked God .for your mothers? (Teach Memory V erse). Clos­ ing Prayer. m

means to be sorry. A fter be grew up he was called John th e Baptist. For many hundreds of years people had been w ishing and praying and looking for some good, g rea t man to come into th e world who would help them ou t of th e ir troubles. In a little town called Nazareth lived a woman by th e name of Mary, who was a cousin to Eliza­ beth, th e mother of John th e Baptist, and Mary was one of thqse who had been praying. Then one day when Mary was in her room all alone, a beau­ tifu l angel stood before her. When Mary saw th e angel she was troubled, for she did not know why he had come. The angel told h er no t to be afraid, for he had come to tell h er th a t her prayers and the prayers of other people had been heard of God, who was about to send th e very one th a t would help them. Then the angel told Mary something th a t made her very happy, for he said th is great person was com­ ing to her home as a little baby, and she was to be his mother and care for him. He shall have no fath e r on earth, b u t shall be the Son of God, and his name shall be Jesus. The angel told Mary, God would make th is Jesus King over the people who loved him fo r­ ever. Now I w ant you to be very quiet and listen to th e words Mary said to the angel. “ I am th e servant of the

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É é JULY 15, 1923

(Read 1 and 2 P eter.) Devotional Caesarea Philippi. (4 ) The Follower’s Reward, vs, 25, 26. Introduction : The scene which furnishes the back­ ground for th e confession by P eter of th e Deity of Jesus Christ, is laid in SIMON PETER “Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest th a t I love LESSON TEXT Jn. 21:15-17. Place.—

Golden Text: thee.” Jn. 21:17.

Mt. 16:13-18, 21-23; Reading.— 1 P eter 2: 1-10.

Time.— Summer A. D. 29.

Outline: (1 ) The F a th e r’s Revelation, Matt. 16:13-17. (2) The Foundation Rock, vs. 18- 20 . (3 ) The F aith fu l Rebuke, vs. 21- 23.

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