King's Business - 1923-07



Lord, n eith er can he have a rew ard w ithout paying th e price of death to self. The problem is simple,— if self is th e center, you lose; if Christ is the center you gain. P eter learned th e lesson. Read what he says in 1 P eter 5:6-10: “ H u m b le y o u r s e lv e s t h e r e fo r e u n d e r th e m ig h t y h a n d o f G o d , t h a t h e m a y e t a l t y o u In d u e tim e . C a s t in g a ll y o u r c a r e u p o n h im , fo r h e c a r e th fo r y o u .* * * B u t t h e G o d o f a ll g r a c e , w h o h a th c a lle d u s u n to h is e te r n a l g lo r y b y C h r is t J e s u s , a ft e r t fia t y e h a v e s u ffe r e d a w h ile , m a k e y o u p e r fe c t, s t a b lis h , s tr e n g th e n , s e t tle y o u .” Have we learned it? PERTINENT QUESTIONS (1) Was the title “Son of m an” a new one? (Dan. 7:13) (2) W hat has the F ath e r promised th e Son? (Psa. 2:7-9; Heb. 1: 4-8) (3 ) What* is the purpose of the revelation of Jesu s to men? (Gal. 1:16) (4) Can the church ever have any stable foundation? (1 Cor. 3: 10, 11) (5) Can Satan prevail against any believer? (Rom. 8:33-39) (6 ) Does Satan ever control any of God’s own? (2 Cor. 11:13) (7) W hat compensation is th e re in losing our lives for Christ’s sake? .(Acts 20:23, 24) (8) Will memory be active in the next world? (Luke 16:25) ife F o r the earliest notice of Simon Peter, we must tu rn to the first chap­ ter of th e Gospel of John. Here we find, at th e very outset, a scene full of in terest and in- COMMENTS struction. Amongst SELECTED By those who had been K e ith 'L . Brooks gathered by the powerful m inistry of John th e Baptist th ere were two men who heard him deliver his glow­ ing testimony to th e Lamb of God. It was th is th a t went to the very h ea rt of th e two disciples. They heard John; they followed Jesus. Jesus saw them following, and said, “W hat seek ye?”

They said, “Master, where dwellest thou ?” He said, “Come a n d see.” They abode w ith Him th a t day. Thus the testimony of John led them to fol­ low Jesus and as they followed on, fresh ligh t was poured upon th e ir path. Nor was th is all. There followed th a t delightful going out afte r others which must in every instance be th e result of close personal acquaintance and oe- cupation w ith th e person of Christ. “One of the two which heard John and followed Jesus was Andrew, Simon P ete r’s brother. He first findeth his own b ro th er Simon. . . . And he brought him to Jesus.” See th e resu lt o f ' a single sentence u ttered in tru th and reality. See how the circle of bless­ ing widens. “When Jesus beheld P eter, He said, Thou a rt Simon, th e son of Jonas: thou sh alt be called Cephas, a stone.” We have no record here of any deep work in th e soul of Simon. We are told his name in th e old creation, and his name in th e new. F o r the deep ex­ ercises of soul, we must tu rn to Luke 5. Jesus entered P e te r’s boat and sat down and tau g h t th e people. “When He had left speaking, He said to Simon, Launch out into th e deep and let down your nets for, a d raugh t.” Simon was about to be well paid for the loan of his boat. N either th e ir nets nor th eir ships w ere, able to sustain the fru it of divine power and goodness. When P eter saw it, he fell a t Jesu s’ knees saying, “Depart from me; for I am a sinful man.” H ere we have th e g reat practical ef­ fect in P ete r’s soul, produced by the combined action of grace and power. He is brought to see himself in the ligh t of th e divine presence where alone self can be tru ly seen and judged. Simon is in th e place of tru e self­ judgm ent— a blessed place indeed— a place from which all must sta rt if they are to be much used. P eter felt he had no rig h t to be n ear such an one as Jesus, yet we may tru ly say he would not for worlds have been any­ where else. It was Jesu s’ joy to pour healing balm in to a wounded soul. Jesus said, “F ear no t; from henceforth thou sh alt catch men.” P eter forsook all and followed Christ. His sta rtin g was of th e righ t sort. There was no halting between Christ and present things. All was clear and unequivocal so far as the sta rtin g was concerned. Bear th is in m ind as we pursue his a fte r history.

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