King's Business - 1923-07


T HE K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S and fishes laid upon it, and bread. Jesus asked them to bring some of the fish they had ju st caught. Then P ete r drew the net upon th e land, and th ere were 153 g re a t fishes, and although th ere were so many the net was not broken. Then Jesus asked them to come and eat breakfast. Oh, w hat a wonderful tim e they must have had together eating the meal th a t Jesus had prepared. This was th e th ird tim e th a t JesuS had been w ith the disciples since he was risen from the dead. Now be very quiet and listen to what happened afte r breakfast. Jesus asked P ete r if he loved Him. P eter saith unto him ; “Yea, Lord; thou knowest th a t I love thee.” Jesus said, “Peed my lambs.” Then Jesus asked him th e second tim e the same question, and P eter gave the same answer. Jesus told him to feed his sheep. Then Jesus asked him the th ird time if he loved Him. P eter was grieved because th e Lord asked him the th ird time if hb loved Him. P eter said, “Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest th a t I love thee. Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.” P eter had been a g rea t help to Jesus, and was a leader among the disciples, b u t we re­ member one night ju s t before Jesus was crucified, he denied Jesus th ree times, and now Jesus asks him if he loves him three times. When Jesus asked him to feed the lambs, he m eant the children. How Jesus loved the chil­ dren, and he wanted th e lambs taken care of first. Do we love Jesus? Clos­ ing Prayer. • -. flipsI j§y§ HERE ’S OPTIMISM “ I met a real optim ist th e other day,” said a physician, “ a fellow to whom I certainly doff my hat. He had lost a leg in a railway accident and when they picked him up th e first thing he said was: Thank God, it was the leg w ith th e rh eum atism !’ ”

he had when he went w ith his fath er fishing, and he had BEGINNERS a pole and caught AND PRIMARY some fish too. P er- Mabel L. M errill haps some of you will have a vacation a t the seashore also, and if you do not go fishing, you will see others fishing. Lottie went fishing th is week rig h t here in Los Angeles, and she caught ju st th e finest fish you ever saw, and she wanted us to see h er fish, and she brought her to Sunday School. Maxine, come and stand by me, and let the boys and girls see you, so they will know you next Sunday, for I know Maxine is going to be one of our best scholars, and I believe she too will go fishing and bring in some more new scholars. Prayer. Eesson Story.— Our sto ry to-day is about some men who went fishing, and they had a wonderful time. Would you like to h ea r this story? There were seven men in this fishing party, and they caught fish and sold them for a living. These men were disciples of Jesus, and P eter and John were in this party. They got into a boat and pushed out from th e shore on the Sea of Galilee, but did not catch any fish th a t night. When the morning had come, Jepus stood on th e shore; bu t th e disciples did no t know it was Jesus. This was afte r Jesus had risen from the dead. Jesus spoke to them , saying, “Have you any food?” They an ­ swered, “No.” He said, “Cast th e net on the rig h t .side of th e boat and you shall find some.” They did as he com­ manded and then were not able to draw up th e net, because there were so many fish in it. Then Jhhn said to Peter, “ I t is the Lord.” When P eter heard it was the Lord, he could not w ait un til the boat got to where Jesus was stand ­ ing, bu t jumped into the w ater and swam to sljore. The o th er disciples came in the boat dragging th e n e t w ith fishes. As soon as they had come to land they saw a fire burning there,

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