King's Business - 1923-07



Christianity is not an outgrow th of Judaism . True, it was foreshadowed in th e old rites and ceremonies, „ bu t now th e shadow is gone. We have th e substance th e reality. The new life will find its own methods of manifes­ tation, and its own ways of glorifying God. How marked th e contrast between a P harisee and his relation to God, and th e relation of Paul, th e apostle, to Jesus Christ (Gal. 2:20 ) “ I a m c ru c ifie d w ith C h r is t; n e v e r th e le s s I liv e ; y e t n o t I , b u t C h r is t li v e th in m e : a n d t h e li f e w h ic h I n o w liv e i n th e fle sh , I liv e b y t h e f a i t h o f t h e S o n o f G o d , w h o lo v e d m e a n d s a v e h im s e lf f o r m e .” PERTINENT QUESTIONS (1 ) , How were Gentiles regarded by the Jews? (Gal. 2 :1 6 ). (2) W hat was involved in Mat­ thew ’s following th e Lord? (Luke 9: 57, 58). (3 ) W hat is involved in following the Lord today? (Matt. 10 :24 ). (4 ) W hat is God’s purpose in using men like Matthew and Paul? (1 Tim. 1:14-16). (6) W hat does God always desire? (Hos. 6 :6 ). (6 ) W hat has Matthew left us as showing his thorough knowledge of the Old Testam ent? (Matthew 5, 6, 7). (7 ) W hat is th e last mention of Matthew? (Acts 1 :1 3 ). JU i 3» Levi, th e son of Alphaeus, was a tax- g ath erer a t Capernaum . His special duty would be to collect tolls from the fisheries on th e lake, and perhaps from the m e r c h a n t s COMMENT trav eling s o u t h - SELECTED By ward from Damas- K eith L. Brooks cus. O n e day, Jesus, coming up from the lakeside, passed near the custom­ house where Levi was seated in orien­ ta l fashion, and He said unto him, “ Follow me.” He arose and followed Him (Mt. 9 :9 ). T h at Jesus ever ad ­ dressed Levi before, we are not told; but it is reasonable to suppose th a t he was expecting th e summons, th a t he was already a disciple and prepared,

All signs of sorrow were banished from a wedding feast, all mourning was suspended. It was deemed a religious duty to gladden th e bride and th e bridegroom. But th e days were coming when th e Bridegroom was to be taken away from them , and then they would fast. Now our Lord is absent from us. This is not our day of complete rejoicing. Our h earts long for His re tu rn (Rev. 19:7, 9). (4 ) VANISHING SHADOWS A N D VISIBLE SUBSTANCE, “They pu t new wine into new bottles.” Jesus illu strates th e tru th by two figures,— new cloth for old garm ents; new wine for old bottles. He did not come to patch up Judaism . T hat was an old, ragged garm ent ready to fall away. If th e Gospel were added to it, it would only hasten its decay. N either could th e new wine of th e Gospel be put into old bottles. The old forms and ceremonies were no t suitable to hold th e freeness and fulness of th e sp iritual ardo r of th e new life. Thé old dispensation was character­ ized by rites and •ceremonies,-^new moons, Sabbaths, .fast days, etc., which were but symbols. The new dispensa­ tion is spiritual, not formal. It is of the heart. The tendency of human n atu re in religion is towards formalism ,— how­ ever simple it may be in its beginnings. The carnal n atu re seeks gratification in form s and, step by step, th e h eart d rifts into self-satisfaction and finds gratification in outward pomp and show. The Jews laid stress on circumcision, cérémonial purity, tithes, ; alms, Sab­ bath-keeping, trad ition and supersti­ tion. Is th e re not real danger in these days th a t baptism , confirmation, church-going, fast days, music, lights, etc., shall all combine to obscure sim­ ple faith in Jesus Christ?

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