King's Business - 1923-07



If finds h er either the toy or slave of man and makes h er his equal and his help-meet. The pagan religions know nothing and care nothing of the value of womanhood. Christ emancipates as well is saves. How Mary Magdalene Showed h er Love fo r Jesus. Luke 8:1-3; Jno. 20: 11-18. Memory Verse.— “ I have seen the Lord.” John 20:18. Approach.—We have been hearing sc much in our beautiful stories about love, and how it shows itself. We learned how Jesus showed His love for His mother, and BEGINNERS how He honored AND PRIMARY her. I wonder if Mabel L. M errill we have ever stop­ ped to th ink how much mother does for us; how many meals she has cooked for us, and cared for us when we were sick. Mother and fath er have both done so much for us. Who made fath er and mother, and p u t the love in th e ir h earts for us? So then we should th a n k God for our fathers and mothers, and all the wonderful blessings He has given us. Let us bow our heads and th ank our heavenly F a th e r for Jesus, th e best and most wonderful gift to us. Lesson Story.-—-If I drew a picture of our story of last week, w hat would I draw? Earl, you tell me. Yes, a table w ith a lo t of people reclining on couches around the table eating dinner. Clara, as whose home was th is dinner given? A man who had left his tax gathering and followed Jesus, and who was made into a new man, because Jesu s’ love had changed his heart. Oh, we have such wonderful an d in teresting stories in this dear old Bible. (Of course teach­ ers, you will never come before your children w ithout your Bible. Make it live as you tell these stories to them .) We are to learn today about a woman

contraction of Magdalen and the la tte r word is commonly used to designate a home for fallen women. This is a cruel and g ratu itou s aspersion upon one of the Master’s friends. She fol­ lowed and m inistered to Jesus w ith all th e passion of her cleansed and re­ deemed personality. She is found among th e group who stood in speak­ ing distance of the cross, h er faith still clinging to the One who had w rought such a marvellous change in h er life. She was first a t th e sepulchre, the first one to whom th e risen Lord revealed himself and the first human being to whom Rom. 10:9 could be literally ap­ plied. It is possible th a t her attem pted b u t prevented touch may have been the touch of faith for th e reception of the Holy Spirit, discouraged by the Sav­ iour only because it was prem ature. If th is be th e tru e explanation her in­ sight and understanding exceeded th a t of any o th er disciple. The spices she brought, the tears she shed, th e watch she kept and th e appeals she made all testified to h er loyalty and affection. Love is indifferent to criticism. F a ith ­ ful service in life, sympathetic com­ panionship in death, heart-breaking sorrow a t the tomb,— these b rough t to Mary th e exalted privilege of becoming th e joyful bearer of the resurrection tidings. The flame of pure and holy love was burning in h er soul. She lived to do the M aster’s will and to crown him Lord of all. W hat a galaxy of noble women shine like sta rs in Bible and Christian his­ tory! Jochabed, Hannah, Deborah, Lydia, Monica, Nonna, Anthusa, Su­ sannah Wesley, C atherine Booth are only sample names. Christianity is the only religion in the world th a t puts woman in her proper place and recognizes h er tru e worth. “Women and children” first is the ru le a t sea in the hour of peril. Chivalry is th e child of Christianity. The Gospel is the only hope of woman.

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