King's Business - 1923-07



Whom did God give to save sinners? (3 :1 6 ). Why did He give H im? (Because He loved th e w orld). Are we all sinners? Are you? Now Jesus is going to die on th e cross and He tells His friends He will send them some one as His F a th e r sent Him. W hat does He cali 'H im ? (Sp irit of T ru th ); When we accept (o r tak e) Christ as our Saviour, does th e Holy Spirit come to live in us? (1 4 :1 7 ). Isn ’t it wonderful th a t He will live in our hearts? W hat will He do for us? (v. 14). W hat are th e things of Jesus? | (His W ord). When you read th e ■Gospel will th e Holy Spirit in you make th e Words of Jesus a blessing to you? Does Jesus own everything? (v. 15). Isn ’t it a wonderful th ing th a t He does fo r us? How many of you pray? W hat is praying? If Mama has some cookies and you w ant some, w hat do you do? (Ask) W hat do you say? Well, when you say, “ Please, Mama, won’t you give me a cookie?” you are praying to your mother for something th a t you want. When you w ant God, our F ath e r, to help you to be good, to be strong, to te ll others about Jesus, you ju st ask Him, and th a t is real praying, bu t we must always ask in Jesu s’ nam Memory Verses; “He shall glorify me; for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.”— John 16:14. “All things th a t the F ath e r h ath are m ine; therefore said I, th a t he shall tak e of mine, and shall shew it unto you.”— John 16:15. m & PRIMARY K ate H. Haus A fter Jesus had told the disciples

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O B tY .TRU TH 30tv&. suck. CkvU'ieTn w ' i TIg\ve TTVaw^-YYVOYe^OTA ^ tay /Y t \^s. the wonderful tru th th a t H e was to be always th e ir helper, through the Holy Spirit, He told them another beautiful thing. Did you ever see a grape vine when it was full of ripe grapes, hanging in big bunches from, th e branches? Then you know how splendid it is, and when it gets the b right sunshine, and is well watered, th e grapes soon ripen and are so good to eat. The disciples saw a beautiful vine th a t n igh t as they walked' from th e supper room to the garden where Jesus went so often to pray. As they adm ired th e vine, Jesus said, “ I am th e vine and you are the branches) ju st as th a t vine will have no grapes unless th e branches stay on th e vine, no more will you be able to be good, or do good, unless you stay close to Me all th e time. A lthough I am going to Heaven soon, I will stay in your h earts w ith th e Holy Spirit,

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