King's Business - 1923-07

T HE K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S


The Spirit came to bear testimony to th e fact th a t Jesus was th e Son of God, the equal of God, th e m anifesta­ tion of God,— God manifest in the flesh. Unbelief is th e root sin. It was th e sin of Adam, of Cain-, of the antedeluvians (Rom. 1 :1 8 ). The cul­ m ination of th e sin of unbelief is found in th e rejection and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Unbelief denies th e au tho rity of God, dethrones Jesus as Lord, damns th e soul. (2 Cor. 4 :3 ; Rom. 14:23; 1 John 5 :1 9 ). Everything is to be judged in th e light of th e cross. The sin question is, in fact, th e “Son” question. God’s g reat question is “Where is my Son?” (b) The Spirit convicts th e world of righteousness. Not simply compels them to believe th a t Jesus was a rig h t­ eous Man. He was righteous— th ere wasn’t any other (Rom. 3 :1 0 ). " A s i t is w r itt e n , T h e r e is n o n e r i g h t ­ e o u s , n o , n o t o n e .” b u t th a t could not help th e sinner. It needed H is death, resurrection and as­ cension to make an atonement for sin. The righteousness of God must be vindicated, for He is a righteous God. Man is w ithout righteousness, bu t he cannot be happy w ithout it. He cannot stand in the presence of God w ithout it. So God provides a righteousness for him. (Rom. 10:4) " F o r C h r is t is t h e e n d o f th e la w f o r r ig h t e o u s n e s s t o e v e r y o n e t h a t b e lie v e th .” The world denied th e righteousness of Jesus Christ by crucifying Him. But God affirmed His righteousness by His resurrection (Acts 1 7 :31 ). He is, therefore, “ the Lord our R ighteous­ ness” (Jer. 23 :6 ). (c) The Spirit convicts the world of judgm ent to come (v. 11) “ because th e prince of th is world is judged.” If th e prince is judged, then all of his followers m ust also be judged. Satan is the prince (John 14 :30 ). He has been judged. How? He first met Christ and Christ was victorious. B u t Christ died, and in His death, Satan was victorious. B u t He rose again, and

an Advocate—He must go! If the Com forter is to come—He must go! _If the church is to be gathered ou t of the •world— He must go! There could be no Spirit of God Indwelling believers— no m ighty Spirit w erk ing ou t through believers— except He go! The disciples did not ask Him “W h ither goest th o u ?” The n atu ra l h ea rt is occupied w ith its own losses. F a ith would have been occupied w ith th e Lord, and would have asked “W here?” The coming of th e Holy Spirit is the unanswerable proof th a t Jesus rose from th e dead,— the seal of th e tru th of His words. The best and only sub­ stitu te for Jesus Christ in th e world is th e Holy Spirit. He is th e Comforter! Wha,t a com fort to th ink of His pres­ ence in the world, in th e church and in our own hearts! (John 15 :26 ). (3 ) WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, vs. 8-15. The work of th e Holy Spirit in th e world is th ree fold: 1. Working in th e World, vs. 8-11. 2. W arning of the F u tu re, ys. 12, 13. 3. W itnessing to Jesu s’ Glory, vs. 14, 15. 1. W orking in th e World, vs. 8-11. His work in the world is, as a Spirit of Reproof,— reproving them of (a) Sin; (b ) R ighteousness; (c) Judgment. (a) He will convict th e world of sin (not sin s). Men had already been convicted of th e ir sins through^the con­ science. Wicked men always cry out against iniquity in others. All men know th a t murder, lust, drunkenness are wrong (Rom. 1:19) " B e c a u s e t h a t w h ic h m a y h e k n o w n o f G o d Is m a n if e s t in th e m ; f o r G o d h a t h s h e w e d i t u n to th e m .” (Rom. 3:20) " T h e r e f o r e b y t h e d e e d s o f th e la w s h a ll n o fle s h b e ju s tif ie d in h is s i g h t ; f o r b y th e la w is th e k n o w le d g e o f s in .” This law is universal. N atu ral re­ ligion and th e effort to satisfy con­ science springs from it. He would convict th e world of the gin of unbelief (v. 9).

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