King's Business - 1923-07



The Holy Spirit w itnesses for Christ (John 15:26) and reveals Him to men (John 1 6 :8 ). No sinner could ever be saved w ithout th is revelation (1 Cor. 12 :3 ). The Spirit communicates and applies th e work of Christ to th e h earts of unsaved men in o rd er to win them to Christ (John 16:9-11). The Spirit strives w ith the Sinner’s conscience in order to convict him of sin (John 16:7 -11 ). The sin of which th e world is most guilty is the rejection of th e Son of God (Matt. 22:37, 38; Jam es 2 :1 0 ). The Spirit reveals to th e sinner’s h e a rt the g rea t guilt of th is terrib le crime. He shows th e need of righteousness in Christ in o rd er to receive God’s forgiveness and pardon. He seeks access to th e sinner’s h eart in order to introduce Christ to him as Lord (Rev. 3 :2 0 ). Many sinners are conscious of the Spirit’s pleading, and are under con­ viction, b u t will not yield to Him. In such cases th e Spirit can go no fu rth e r (Gen. 6 :3 ). God’s Spirit will not strive w ith men forever (Neh. 9 :3 0 ). The sinner th a t insults th e Spirit of Grace is eternally doomed (Matt. 12:31-33). Continual rejection of Christ leads to th e final sin of blasphem ing th e Holy Ghost (Acts 7 :5 1 ). When th a t is done, th e sinner cannot believe (John 1 2 :39 ). When th e Spirit presents th e tru th to a sinner’s heart, he will do one of th ree things,—yield, delay or reject. Delay hardens the h eart (Heb. 3 :1 5 ), blinds th e eyes (John 12:40) and makes men love darkness ra th e r th an ligh t (John 3 :1 9 ). Soul blindness is th e last state of a Christ- less and Godless h ea rt (2 Cor. 4:3, 4). The soul th a t rejects Christ commits an eternal sin (John 8 :24) because it is th e rejection of an etern al Person (John 3:36 ) and must therefore suffer etern al punishm ent (Matt. 2 5 :46 ). If he yields and accepts the gifts and benefits offered, on God’s term s, le t him

sign his name to the deed of gift as a w itness of his faith and sincerity. It is then th a t th e Holy Spirit, as the eternal witness, countersigns w ith th e believer, thu s making valid and se­ curing beyond any power of violation in heaven or .in earth th e conveyance to th e sinner of etern al life and all of its privileges. (John 6:47, 63). m m THE JUNIORS JESUS PRAYS FOR. US Jo h n 17:18, 20, 21 Review: Do you remember Who it was we talked about last week? (The Holy S p irit). Did Jesus send th e Holy Spirit to live in those who accept Him as th e ir Saviour? (14 :17 ) Have you accepted Jesus as your Saviour? If you have taken Jesus to be your Saviour, does the Holy Spirit live in you? W hat does the Holy Spirit w ant to do for you? ( 16 : 14 ) Have you talked w ith any one th is la st week about Jesus? Have you read any in th e Gospel of John? Have you prayed for anybody? Lesson: Jesus is alone w ith His disciples. He is going to leave them . He is going to die on the cross, bu t before He leaves them He prays w ith them and for them . This prayer of Jesus belongs to every boy and girl th a t loves Him. He is in Heaven today, bu t He is still praying th ere for us. In th is prayer, Jesus tells th e F a­ th e r th a t He is sending His disciples into th e world (v. 18). Did th e F a th e r send Jesus into th e world? W hat did He send Him into th e world for? (John 3:16) Must every boy and girl believe on

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