King's Business - 1923-07



h eart be troubled, n either let it be afraid .” (John 1 4 :27 ). (Draw circle for world. P rin t SIN, SAVIOUR, JUDG­ MENT in it. Draw wings to represent Holy Spirit. P rin t Tells under. Ex­ plain again how the Holy Spirit tells the world these th ree things. Draw h eart w ith wings for Holy Spirit and p rin t Peace in it, to show th a t we need not be troubled because Jesus will make every thing come rig h t in the end .)

Satan is conquered and cast into hell forever.” The last g reat th ing th a t Jesus said, was, th a t all th a t belonged to the F ath e r, belonged to Him, and He was going to give it to us, when the rig h t tim e came. So listen very carefully to what th e Spirit says to you and do what He says, for th en you will be doing what Jesus w ants you to do for Him. ‘‘Peace I leave w ith you, My peace I give unto you. . . Let no t your

W l jà k JULY 22, 1923 SORROW, JOY AND PEACE— John 16:16-33

Golden Text: “These things have I spoken unto you, th a t in me ye m ight have peace. In the world ye shall have tribu lation ; bu t be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16 :33 ). Outline: (1) The Cause of Sorrow—His P arting. (2) The Cure for Sorrow—His Presence. (3 ) The Certainty of Peaes— His Promise. Introduction: He can give peace because He will give them Himself. This is th e foun­ dation of th e message. T ru st is a synonym for faith, belief, confidence, repose, but yet th ere is a dis­ tinction between belief and tru st. Be­ lief has to do w ith th e intellect, while tru st has to do w ith th e heart. A man may believe God and His Word, and yet not tru st Him. He may believe God to be tru e, and yet not tru st in His promises. Take, for instance, the

The background of th is message is rem arkable: Judas had gone out into th e night of oblivion. His presence had created a re stra in t in the little com­ pany, bu t now th a t Jesus is alone w ith th e eleven, He seeks to com fort them , to teach them the highest and holiest tru th s, to leave them a little love gift: “P e a c e I le a v e w ith y o u ; m y p e a c e I g iv e u n to y o u .” He knows th a t tomorrow will be the world’s crucial day. The hatred of hell will be manifested, th e sun will be darkened, th e earth will tremble, th e forces of Satan will be rallied to pour upon th e soul of the God-Man all th e bitterness and hate of hell itself. He is thinking of them , of th eir sor­ row, of th e ir fear. He Himself is calm, quiet, restfu l in the m idst of it all. He knows they will fail Him; th a t they will sleep while He agonizes in the Gar­ den, and yet He desires to supply th eir need,— to give them peace.

promise, “All things work together for good to them th a t love God, to them th a t are th e called according to His purpose.” (Rom. 8:28.) All Chris­ tians believe th a t th is is God’s Word, but how few really tru s t in it, when trials and testings come! How prone we are to be anxious when th e bank account runs low, in spite of th e assur­ ance, “My God shall supply all your need” (Phil. 4 :1 9 ). To tru s t is “ to lean upon for sup­ port.” The foundation of tru s t is knowledge. This is especially tru e w ith reference to a person. To tru s t a man we must know him,—we tru st him in proportion to .our knowledge of him. The g reater th e in terest which is a t stake, the more we w ant to know him.

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