King's Business - 1923-07



ing God to give it to you for My sake. God, My F ath er, loves Me so much th a t if you ask anything in My name. He will give it to you. Everything you pray for in My name you will be sure to get. Ask for help, or friends, or power to help others as I did; God will give it all to you, unless He finds th a t you ask for a th ing th a t will be bad for you to have, and th a t He will not give, for He w ants you to have th e very best of everything th a t is good for you.” T h at made th e disciples very happy, for the time. “I am going back to God, but I am coming back to get you some day, so don’t be so sad. When they tre a t you mean for preaching about Me to th e people, remember I will let nothing happen to you th a t will not be th e best for you. I will never leave you alone a t any time, bu t will be w ith you all th e time. I will know everything th a t happens to you and help you in the h ard things, make th e good things b righ ter for you, and will be so close to you all th e time, th a t you will be very happy even when you are having h ard things to bear for My sake; the h ard er th e tim e you have for My sake, th e g reater will be the splendid re­ wards when you get to heaven. You will have hard times, bu t cheer up, for th ere are blessed times coming w ith Me in glory.” Memory Verse: “Whatsoever ye shall ask th e F ath e r in My name, He will give it you.” (John 16:23.) I • and th in e are m ine; and I am glorified kingdom. It dem onstrates th e Deity of Jesus Christ in His claim of equality w ith the F ath er. It dem onstrates the power of Jesus in H is obedience, His sacrifice, His finished work. In it we find set fo rth th e salvation, safety, sep­ aration, sanctification, service, unifica­ tion and glorification of believers; the ungodly world, the power of Satan and

happy?” Tommy was playing ball wh»n he fell, spraining his ankle so badly th a t he could not play ball for a long time, the doctor told him. I t made him so sad th a t he cried very h ard for he did love ball so much. His fath er came in one day when he was crying so hard and said, “Don’t cry Tike th a t, son. I have good news for you. L isten; I have to go up to N iagara Falls. How would you like to go along?” Tommy forgot his lame ankle in a moment, and shouted out loud for joy. Who cares for ball if a fellow can go to the F a lls? . Jesus told His disciples th a t such a good th ing was coming to them in a little while, th a t they would forget how sorry they were now, in th e great joy they would have when they saw Him, a fte r He came back to them. “Now, while I am gone, If you love Me and try to do w hat I w ant you to do. you can have anything you w ant from God th a t is good for you, ju st by ask­

JULY 29, 1923 CHRIST’S RELATION TO HIS DISCIPLES—John 17:1-13 Golden Text: "A ll mine are thine, in them .” (John 17:10) Outline:

(1) The Personal Position. (2) The Petition Presented. (3 ) The Power Prom ised (4 ) The Plea for Preservation. Introduction: The 17th chapter of John contains th e "H igh-priestly prayer of Jesus,” and covers the en tire progress of God’s

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