King's Business - 1923-07



ther. It is the Son telling th e F ath e r w hat He has become to th e loved ones of th e little flock which the F ath e r had given Him. (1) He is the Giver of God’s life. > (1 7 :2 ) The glorious blessing of God’s own eternal life is provided by Jesus for “ all flesh’’ and actually given to “ as many as” th e F a th e r h ath given th e Son. (2) He is-th e In terp rete r of God’s life. (1 7 :3 ) His in terp retation of life is definite. .-/(This is life etern al th a t they m ight know Thee, th e only tru e God, and Jesus Christ Whom Thou h ast sent." (3 ) The Saviour’s demonstration of God’s will is th ree­ fold: “ I have glorified Thee.” (17 :4 ) “ I have finished th e work which Thou gavest Me to do.” (1 7 :4 ) “I have mani­ fested Thy Name unto men." The Lord needs more men who are w illing to be dem onstrators of the will of God. Such men will be able to say w ith the Saviour to the F ath er, “ I have glorified Thee.” I have finished th e task th a t Thou h ast given me to do.” I have not sought to manifest my name bu t Thy Name to men.” (4) He is the Revealer of God’s Word. (1 7 :8 ) The Word of God has never been revealed to men as by Him Who was indeed and in tru th the Word of God Himself. “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” “ I have given unto them th e words which Thou gavest Me.” “ I have given them Thy Word.” (5) He is the Intercessor for God’s men. (1 7 :9 ) He does not promise His intercessory work for the lost. He has made complete provision for a con­ demned world by His finished work on Calvary, bu t for His own “He ever liveth to make intercession for them .” “ I pray for them .” “ I pray not for th e world.” ' (6) He is th e Security of God’s men. (17 :12 ) In a world of uncertain- God’s will. (17 :4 -6 )

prays th a t they may be kept,-—no t th a t they may be rich, or prosperous, or honored,— bu t th a t they may be kept from the world— from th e evil one. He had come In His F a th e r’s name (v. 3 ); He had made known to them the F a­ th e r’s name (v. 6 ); He had kept them In th e F a th e r’s name (v. 1 2 ); now He w ants them to have confidence In the name and keeping power of th e F ather. They already have eternal life, b u t He wan,ts them to have assurance. He longs th a t they may be k ep t united, th a t His joy m ight be fulfilled in them. In John 15:11 it is th a t th e ir “ joy m ight be fu ll’’; here it is “ fulfilled” or “ filled fu ll.” Joy is a deep-seated emotion arising from th e possession of some good, or from th e contemplation of it. Joy is w ithin— th e fru it of th e Spirit. G rati­ tude leads to su rrender of th e will; su rrend er leads to subm ission; subm is­ sion leads to joy; th e joy of th e Lord is our strength. Joy may abide am idst tears and trouble. No man takes it from us. Joy and peace are twins. Re­ joice evermore! Topics fo r Study (1 ) Oneness of th e F a th e r and the Son. (2) The Finished Work of Jesus Christ. (3 ) The Inspiration of th e Words of Jesus. (4) The Ascension of Jesus. (5) The Security of Believers. (6 ) The P erdition of th e Lost. (7) The Fulfillment of th e Scriptures. (8) The Joy of Jesus in Believers. (9) The World’s H atred of Believers. SUGGESTIVE COMMENT The beauties of th e relationship of our blessed Lord to His disciples are revealed in th is lesson by the words of th e Lord Himself. He sets fo rth th is relationship in seven comprehen­ sive statem ents addressed to th e F a ­ By Clifton L. Fow ler Denver Bible In stitu te

- He is the Demonstrator of

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