King's Business - 1923-07



ties and disappointments th e soul of man cries out for th a t which is certain and secure. Jesus answers th e cry. “ I kept them . None of them is lost.” ' (7 ) He is th e Im p arter of God’s joy. (17 :13 ) The soul of th e child of God need not be dismayed by th e sin and sorrow which is found everywhere in th e world, for Jesus assumes th e task of supplying His own w ith the needed joy. “T h at they m ight have my joy fulfilled in themselves.” These seven blessed characteristics of the ’relationship of th e Lord Jesus Christ to His disciples may find a new and exceedingly happy expression in th e lives o f-tho se men and women of today who are w illing to leave all and follow Him. Review: Which one of Jesu s’ disciples did we study about last week? (P eter.) Where was P eter? (In th e high p riest’s palace.) W hat was he doing? Did he feel as brave as he did when he was in th e Garden w ith Jesus? W hat did one of the servants ask P eter? (If he was one of Jesu s’ dis­ ciples.) W hat did P eter say? Why was he afraid? Have, you though t of any ways in which people can deny Jesus? If we are ashamed of Jesus, will He be ashamed of us? (Mark 8 :3 8 ). Lesson: Now we are going to read ju st th ree verses from the 19th chapter and study them , together. It is a wonderful les­ son. Who was P ilate? (The ru ler of the Jews) W as P ilate a good or a bad ru ler? (Bad) THE JUNIORS THE CROWN OF THORNS John 19:1-3

Who arrested Jesus and brought Him to P ilate? (18 :2 ) Did P ilate know th a t Jesus was a good man? (19 :6 ) Then why did He not let Him go free? (19 :8 ) W hat did P ilate do to Jesus? (Scour­ ged H im ; th a t is, beat Him w ith a whip) Who was It put a crown of thorns on Jesus’ head? (19 :2 ) Did the thorns h u rt His head? W hat else did they pu t on Jesus? (A purple robe) W hat did they call Him? (v. '3) W hat other cruel things did they do to Him? (v. 3) Did Jesus strik e back when they struck Him? Why not? F o r whose sake did Jesus bear all this suffering? (Fo r us) Whenever you see a tho rn bush will you th ink of the crown of thorns th a t Jesus wore for you? Why was Jesus w illing to bear all this pain for us? (John 3:16) Should not every person love Jesus? Does every one love Him? Do you love Him? How can we show our love for Jesus? (By telling others about Him.) Memory Verses: “And the soldiers p latted a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and they put on him a purple robe, and said, Hail, King of the Jews; and they smote him w ith th e ir hands.” (John 19:2, 3) n n In our lesson today, we have the wonderful prayer th a t Jesus made the la st night before He died. In th is prayer He prayed for His disciples, and what He prayed for them , He prayed for us. The first thing He prayed for was, th a t God m ight honor Him, as He had honored God. Jesus prayed th a t God m ight show His disciples and PRIMARY K ate H .' H aas

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