King's Business - 1923-07



God, for God then adopts us as His own children, and none can tak e us away from Him, for no one is stronger th a n God. Satan may try bu t God will beat him off every tim e he tries it. A fter we give our h earts to Jesus we are God’s ju st as Billy Jones, a little orphan boy, became the son of rich Mr. Brown and was called Billy Brown afte r Mr. Brown adopted him . A fter he was adopted by Mr. Brown, he was not poor Billy Jones any more, h u t rich Billy Brown, and was called Mr. Brown’s son, and got all Mr. Brown’s money afterw ards. Ju st so, when we are God’s children; afte r awhile when we get to Heaven, we will get all th e things th a t Jesus will get. Mr. Brown look­ ed afte r Billy all th e time, a fte r he became his son, so God will look after us all th e time, afte r we give our h earts to Jesus. W hat a wonderful th ing it is to he a child of God. How proud of our F a ­ th e r and of Jesus, we ought to be; how careful not to do anything th a t would make our F ath e r sorry— or dis­ grace Him. Memory verse: “ I pray for them : I pray no t for the world, h u t for them which Thou hast given Me; for they are Thine.” John 17:9. Now as God’s children let us try to do each day th e things th a t will please such a loving and great F ath e r as God is.

those who loved Him th e same wonder­ ful tru th s th a t had been shown to Him by God, th a t they m ight know about the love God had for them ju st as Jesus knew it. He prayed th a t all who loved Him m ight know w hat E tern al Life meant. If we know th a t, we will be sure to do whatever Jesus w ants us to do. E ternal Life means to he w ith God in th e beautiful home Jesus has made for us in Heaven, forever and for­ ever, where we will never have any sorrow, h u t be happy all th e tim e, and always he w ith God in glory. He had finished th e work th a t God had given Him to do down here; He wanted God to help us to finish th e work th a t we have to do for God down here, as well as Jesus did. Then He prayed th a t God, through th e Holy Spirit, m ight teach us th a t we belonged to God so tru ly , th a t no one, no t even Satan, could tak e us away from Him. Sometimes Satan tries to make us be­ lieve th a t we can be tak en away from God. Now Jesus prayed th a t we m ight know th a t when we give our h earts to Him, we belong to God ju st as much as He does. When we give our h earts to Jesus we become th e children of

5, 1923 AUGUST THE DISCIPLES’ RELATION TO THE WORLD AND FUTURE GLORY—John 17:14-26 Golden Text: “And th e glory which thou gaves.t me I have given unto them ; th a t they may be one, even as we are one.” (John 17:22) Introduction:

Outline :

We have been w ith our Lord as He presented His petition to th e F ath e r in our lesson for la st week. We have seen His a ttitu d e of ho ly reverence,

( 1 ) Separation. ( 2 ) Sanctification. (3 ) Unification. ( 4 ) Glorification.

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