WV Living Fall 2020

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Women’s Options A memoir from a WVU professor illuminates reproductive rights. twin girls playing with the oven while their exhausted mother catches a moment’s rest—Christa Parravani’s memoir Loved and Wanted starts with a painful and empathetic snapshot of women’s worlds and doesn’t let up. Parravani was still nursing a second child and teaching writing at West Virginia University when, in October 2017, she learned she was pregnant again. The family was already stressed for money and time, and her husband wasn't holding up his end. She felt her professional life slipping away. The narrative places Parravani’s ultimately failed search for an abortion in a complex context: a setting that didn’t easily support that choice and personal pressures—ambivalence, social isolation, financial challenges—that kept her from making it a priority. It’s a window into the ways that women, overwhelmed by circumstance, make decisions they pay for in the long run and the way lack of access to health care choices can contribute. Find it on bookshelves in November 2020. written by pam kasey

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