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available 1 Oct 2024 - 31 Jan 2025
safety floor ranges
Altro Wood ™ Altro Wood ™ adhesive-free
Altro XpressLay ™ adhesive-free
Altro Pisces ™
™ ™ adhesive-free
Altro ContraX ™
Altro Aquarius ™
Altro Walkway ™ 20
Promotional price booklet Quality floors you can trust, now at special promotional prices
Contact your local distributor for details
Available 1 February - 30 April 2024!
Discover more
Tel: 02076098321 Fax: 02077002010
Altro I llustra I Ammonite I LU2416
Our 7 core distribution ranges offering you the choice of 9 safety floor products, including 3 time, money and carbon saving adhesive-free options.
Safety floor heroes
Altro ContraX ™
. .................................................................................. 04
the functional budget one
Altro Walkway ™ 20
......................................................................... 06
the contractor favourite one
............................................................................................ 10
Altro Wood ™
the homely wood-look one
. ...................................................................... 14
NEW Altro I llustra ™ the stylishly safe one
.................................................................................. 18
Altro Aquarius ™
the original wet rooms and bathrooms one
Altro Pisces ™ ......................................................................................... 20 the domestic-look wet rooms and bathrooms one
Altro I llustra Sand Castle I LU2401
Adhesive-free safety floor heroes
Altro XpressLay ™ adhesive-free
.............................. 08
the first adhesive-free, time-saving one
Altro Wood ™ adhesive-free
.............................................. 12
the time-saving, 14dB sound reduction one
NEW Altro I llustra ™ adhesive-free
........................ 16
Altro I llustra adhesive-free Soft Blush I LUAF2408
the stylishly safe, 14dB sound reduction one
Altro ContraX ™
Typical applications: General purpose safety floor.
New and improved; the best value price in the market for a quality safety floor
Light Beige I CX2001N WR12 / A1M12
Spring Beige I CX2016N WR521 / A1M20
Blood Red I CX2012N WR45 / A1M238
Earth Brown I CX2014N WR61 / A1M239
Silver Grey I CX2019N WR81 / A1M81
Norse Grey I CX2017N WR522 / A1M84
Light Grey I CX2004N WR85 / A1M85
Dusky Blue I CX2005N WR74 / A1M74
Himalayan Green I CX2018N WR324 / A1M154
Slate Grey I CX2006N WR84 / A1M84
Nearly Black I CX2009N WR101 / A1M72
Black I CX2010N WR100 / A1M100
R 10
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 36
5 year
01462 707700
product guarantee
Altro ContraX promo price! £9.67 /m 2 Full rolls only
available in 12 colours
Safety floor heroes
Light Beige I CX2001N
Altro Walkway ™ 20
Typical applications: General purpose flooring for areas where occasional contamination from water is a concern. A contractor favourite for over 30 years.
Plain and chipped, superb versatility, flexibility and easy to install; shares same colour palette as Altro XpressLay, offering co-ordination with adhesive-free options where desired
Swan I VMI2012P WR291 / A1M01
Winter I VMI2053 WR105 / A1M01
Minster I VM2018P WR289 / A1M265
Bone I VM20215 WR20 / A1M20
Biscuit I VM20907 WR146 / A1M20
Sand I VMI2051 WR20 / A1M20
Savannah I VMI2050 WR153 / A1M239
Tundra I VM20910 WR153 / A1M239
Cherry I VM20920 WR148 / A1M148
Tango I VM2031 WR42 / A1M42
Streetlight I VMI2005P WR287 / A1M79
Blizzard I VMI2055 WR79 / A1M191
Temple I VM2009P WR261 / A1M81
Cloud I VM2014 WR79 / A1M191
Pavement I VMI2007P WR83 / A1M83
Fog I VM20153 WR81 / A1M81
Rock I VMI2004P WR84 / A1M84
Dolphin I VM2010 WR86 / A1M86
Whale I VMI2054 WR86 / A1M86
Black I VM20892 WR100 / A1M100
Skyline I VM20332 WR52 / A1M52
Tarragon I VMI2052 WR52 / A1M52
Waterfall I VM20912 WR155 / A1M135
Lupin I VMI2059 WR286 / A1M286
Nightfall I VMI2056 WR72 / A1M72
Blue I VM20412 WR71 / A1M71
River I VMI2057 WR71 / A1M71
Runway I VM2006P WR72 / A1M72
Midnight I VM20421 WR72 / A1M72
Coal I VMI2058 WR100 / A1M100
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 36 R 10
10 year
01462 707700
product guarantee
Altro Walkway 20 promo price! £10.95 /m 2 Full rolls only
available in 30 colours
Biscuit I VM20907
Safety floor heroes
Swan I VMI2012P
Altro XpressLay ™ adhesive-free Typical applications: General purpose, versatile safety where adhesive-free benefits are required where occasional contamination from water is a concern.
The first ever adhesive-free safety floor, designed to save you time, money and hassle
Swan I XLI2212P WR291 / A1M01
Winter I XLI2253 WR105 / A1M01
Minster I XL2218P WR289 / A1M265
Bone I XL22215 WR20 / A1M20
Biscuit I XL22907 WR146 / A1M20
Sand I XLI2251 WR20 / A1M20
Savannah I XLI2250 WR153 / A1M239
Tundra I XL22910 WR153 / A1M239
Cherry I XL22920 WR148 / A1M148
Tango I XL2231 WR42 / A1M42
Streetlight I XLI2205P WR287 / A1M79
Blizzard I XLI2255 WR79 / A1M191
Temple I XL2209P WR261 / A1M81
Cloud I XL2214 WR79 / A1M191
Pavement I XLI2207P WR83 / A1M83
Fog I XL22153 WR81 / A1M81
Rock I XLI2204P WR84 / A1M84
Dolphin I XL2210 WR86 / A1M86
Whale I XLI2254 WR86 / A1M86
Black I XL22892 WR100 / A1M100
Skyline I XL22332 WR52 / A1M52
Tarragon I XLI2252 WR52 / A1M52
Waterfall I XL22912 WR155 / A1M135
Lupin I XLI2259 WR286 / A1M286
Nightfall I XLI2256 WR72 / A1M72
Blue I XL22412 WR71 / A1M71
River I XLI2257 WR71 / A1M71
Runway I XL2206P WR72 / A1M72
Midnight I XL22421 WR72 / A1M72
Coal I XLI2258 WR100 / A1M100
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 36 R 10
10 year
01462 707700
product guarantee
Altro XpressLay adhesive-free promo price! £16.84 /m 2 Full rolls only
available in 30 colours
Temple I XL2209P
Whale I XLI2254
Adhesive-free safety floor heroes
Altro Wood ™
Typical applications: Entrances, communal areas. Corridors, stairs. Dining, bars. Domestic kitchens. Wards. Classrooms. Shops. Changing areas.
An exciting safety range of classic and on-trend authentic wood-look designs
Ranch Oak I WSA2021 WR335 / A1M335
Bleached Oak I WSA2001 WR335 / A1M335
Sessile Oak I WSA2027 WR350 / A1M483
Washed Oak I WSA2015 WR347 / A1M347
Farmhouse Oak I WSA2004 WR338 / A1M338
Rustic Oak I WSA2006 WR340 / A1M340
Oak Traditions I WSA2013 WR353 / A1M225
Spring Maple I WSA2018 WR352 / A1M352
Autumn Maple I WSA2005 WR339 / A1M339
Bavarian Oak I WSA2026 WR514 / A1M514
Mountain Oak I WSA2022 WR339 / A1M339
Honey Oak I WSA2028 WR352 / A1M352
Slate Oak I WSA2029 WR478 / A1M390
Vintage Cherry I WSA2002 WR336 / A1M239
Urban Cherry I WSA2003 WR337 / A1M337
Antique Walnut I WSA2007 WR341 / A1M160
Worn Oak I WSA2023 WR322 / A1M239
Manor Oak I WSA2016 WR348 / A1M348
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 36 R 10
10 year
01462 707700
product guarantee
Altro Wood promo price! £16.99 /m 2 Full rolls only
available in 18 colours
Safety floor heroes
Ranch Oak I WSA2021
Altro Wood ™ adhesive-free
Typical applications: Entrances, corridors, communal areas. Dining, bars. Domestic kitchens. Bedrooms, quiet rooms, libraries. Wards. Classrooms. Shops. Changing areas.
Wood-look, time-busting, adhesive-free technology with the reassurance of a safety floor and the benefit of up to 14dB impact sound reduction
Portuguese Oak I AFW280013 WR335 / A1M335
Frosted Oak I AFW280001 WR335 / A1M335
Post Oak I AFW280016 WR350 / A1M483
Timeless Oak I AFW280007 WR347 / A1M347
Champagne Oak I AFW280010 WR338 / A1M338
Summer Oak I AFW280005 WR340 / A1M340
Caramel Oak I AFW280006 WR353 / A1M225
Honey Maple I AFW280011 WR352 / A1M352
Soft Maple I AFW280002 WR339 / A1M339
Bur Oak I AFW280015 WR514 / A1M514
Oxford Oak I AFW280014 WR339 / A1M339
Birnam Oak I AFW280017 WR352 / A1M352
Holm Oak I AFW280018 WR478 / A1M390
Dusky Cherry I AFW280003 WR336 / A1M239
Shaded Cherry I AFW280004 WR337 / A1M337
Imperial Walnut I AFW280009 WR341 / A1M160
Vintage Oak I AFW280012 WR322 / A1M239
Pitch Oak I AFW280008 WR348 / A1M348
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 36 R 10
10 year
01462 707700
product guarantee
Altro Wood adhesive-free promo price! £18.88 /m 2 Full rolls only
available in 18 colours
Adhesive-free safety floor heroes
Summer Oak I AFW280005
NEW Altro I llustra ™
Typical applications: Entrances, communal areas. Corridors, stairs. Dining, bars, restaurants. Domestic kitchens. Wards. Classrooms. Shops. Toilet, staff changing areas.
Stylish, design-led safety range of stone, textile and mineral designs
Soapstone I LU2417 WR497 / A1M369
Keystone I LU2414 WR560 / A1M79
Ammonite I LU2416 WR567 / A1M369
Jurassic Slab I LU2418 WR566 / A1M81
Canyon Clay I LU2413 WR565 / A1M387
Skyfall I LU2415 WR501 / A1M487
Bedrock I LU2412 WR562 / A1M83
Hazy Twist I LU2409 WR446 / A1M347
Gentle Twist I LU2410 WR478 / A1M361
Midnight Twist I LU2411 WR301 / A1M82
Highway I LU2403 WR561 / A1M518
Sand Castle I LU2401 WR552 / A1M20
Clay Bed I LU2402 WR61 / A1M239
R 10
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 36
10 year
product guarantee
Altro I llustra promo price! £16.99 /m 2 Full rolls only
available in 13 colours
Safety floor heroes
Sand Castle I LU2401
NEW Altro I llustra ™ adhesive-free Typical applications: Entrances, communal areas. Corridors. Dining, bars, restaurants. Domestic kitchens. Wards. Classrooms. Shops. Toilet, staff changing areas.
Stone, textile and mineral designs, time-busting, adhesive-free technology with the reassurance of a safety floor and the benefit of up to 14dB impact sound reduction
Shrouded Mountain I LUAF2417 WR497 / A1M369
Stepping Stone I LUAF2416 WR567 / A1M369
Cobblestone I LUAF2414 WR560 / A1M79
Crag Stone I LUAF2418 WR566 / A1M81
Cocoa Clay I LUAF2413 WR565 / A1M387
Hammerhead I LUAF2415 WR501 / A1M487
Thunder Mountain I LUAF2412 WR562 / A1M83
Cotton Twist I LUAF2409 WR446 / A1M347
Tranquil Twist I LUAF2410 WR478 / A1M361
Deep Twist I LUAF2411 WR301 / A1M82
Dusky Grit I LUAF2403 WR561 / A1M518
Distant Shore I LUAF2401 WR552 / A1M20
Touchstone I LUAF2402 WR61 / A1M239
Ivy League I LUAF2406 WR242 / A1M154
Soft Blush I LUAF2408 WR570 / A1M11
Tamarind I LUAF2404 WR529 / A1M42
Rose Petal I LUAF2405 WR535 / A1M149
Waters Edge I LUAF2407 WR542 / A1M516
R 10
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 36
10 year
product guarantee
Altro I llustra adhesive-free promo price! £18.88 /m 2 Full rolls only
available in 18 colours
Adhesive-free safety floor heroes
Soft Blush I LUAF2408
Altro Aquarius ™
Typical applications: Bathrooms. Showers. Changing rooms (except where spikes/studs – then see 2.5mm+ options). Saunas. Spas. Wet rooms. Home adaptation level access bathrooms.
Perfect for wet and dry, combined shoe and barefoot use. Two problems, one solution
Swan I AQI2012 WR291 / A1M01
Gosling I AQI2023 WR369 / A1M369
Iguana I AQ2021 WR297 / A1M20
Vole I AQ2010 WR289 / A1M265
Salamander I AQI2011 WR294 / A1M294
Spoonbill I AQI2016 WR303 / A1M303
Terrapin I AQI2009 WR289 / A1M265
Otter I AQI2006 WR290 / A1M239
Puffin I AQI2005 WR287 / A1M79
Cygnet I AQ2004 WR287 / A1M79
Tern I AQI2008 WR261 / A1M81
Coral Crab I AQI2014 WR300 / A1M42
Sea Snail I AQI2024 WR370 / A1M370
Walrus I AQ2007 WR261 / A1M81
Dragonfly I AQ2001 WR292 / A1M292
Newt I AQ2022 WR368 / A1M368
Treefrog I AQI2003 WR293 / A1M271
Mallard I AQI2015 WR302 / A1M302
Blue Penguin I AQI2002 WR288 / A1M71
Hippo I AQI2013 WR301 / A1M82
R 11
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 50
10 year
01462 707700
product guarantee
Altro Aquarius promo price! £20.91 /m 2 Full rolls only £24.50 /m 2 Cuts
available in 20 colours
Safety floor heroes
Puffin I AQI2005
Altro Pisces ™
Typical applications: Bathrooms. Showers. Changing rooms (except where spikes/studs – then see 2.5mm+ options). Saunas. Spas. Wet rooms. Home adaptation level access bathrooms.
Wet room and bathroom safety flooring for shoes and bare feet; all the benefits of Altro safety floors with the look and feel of home
Lighthouse I SB2001 WR291 / A1M01
Cuttlefish I SB2002 WR385 / A1M385
Shoreline I SB2006 WR389 / A1M389
Sand Dune | SB2018 WR568 / A1M239 / LRV 20
Breakwater I SB2003 WR386 / A1M20
Fisherman I SB2009 WR392 / A1M392
Driftwood I SB2004 WR387 / A1M387
Anchor I SB2008 WR391 / A1M82
Jellyfish I SB2005 WR388 / A1M388
Deckchair I SB2013 WR396 / A1M396
Sea Urchin I SB2014 WR397 / A1M397
Houseboat I SB2015 WR398 / A1M398
Porthole I SB2007 WR390 / A1M390
Windbreak I SB2016 WR399 / A1M399
Beach Hut I SB2012 WR395 / A1M395
Starfish I SB2010 WR393 / A1M393
Seahorse I SB2011 WR394 / A1M394
R 11
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 50
10 year
01462 707700
product guarantee
Altro Pisces promo price! £20.91 /m 2 Full rolls only £24.50 /m 2 Cuts
NOW available in 17 colours
Safety floor heroes
Breakwater I SB2003
NEW ™ – the natural choice for safety flooring Looking for a safety floor that provides limitless design possibilities? Altro I llustra combines style, safety, and durability. It offers a range of aesthetic options, from nature inspired stone to modern textile design, the possibilities are endless. Inspired by nature Slip resistant with a smooth texture Beauty and safety combined Altro Easyclean ™ technology - designed for low maintenance Enhances front of house spaces Save time, save carbon, save money with adhesive-free options
R 10
Pendulum test PTV ≥ 36
10 year
product guarantee
The enclosed promotional price offers are on full rolls only (and cuts where shown), purchased from participating distributors between 1 October 2024 - 31 January 2025. Altro Limited, Works Road, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 1NW 0370 240 8855
Recofloor Vinyl Take-Back Scheme TM
, , Altro, Altro Wood, Altro Wood adhesive-free, Altro I llustra, Altro I llustra adhesive-free, Altro Aquarius, Altro Pisces, Altro Walkway, Altro ContraX, Altro XpressLay adhesive-free, Altro Atlas, Altro Whiterock wall designs, Altro Easyclean Technology and SampleExpress are trademarks of Altro Limited.
Contains bio-plasticiser
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