the same time. If you would like a challenging and rewarding experience, I would encourage you to find out what the Committee does by attending our meetings and applying to become a Committee member. Thank You. It is not said often enough. Committee members are a dedicated bunch and put in a lot of hours working for the betterment of the Resort. I would again like to express my gratitude to the Committee members for their dedication to the Resort and giving so freely of their time. ORPS would not be what it has become without you. Please feel free to contact me at
Permits Required. If I were to guess, I would say there are many Owners in the Resort that don't realize they need a Permit to do almost any improvement on their Lot; lot light changes, putting up pet fencing, installing privacy screens or shade structures, putting in artificial turf, designing and installing a drop - in outdoor kitchen, and the list goes on. But you say, "I own my Lot and I should be able to do anything I want on it." Well...No. There are City Building Codes we need to adhere to, and we live in a Homeowners Association (HOA). And with an HOA comes design and aesthetic guidelines/rules about what you can and can't do on your Lot. I would encourage everyone to read the A & A Rules on the website. The rules are in place for a reason and that is to keep ORPS looking like a premier RV Resort. I believe we all want ORPS to continue to be our piece of paradise. So, every month I will keep reminding Owners that Permits are required for all Lot improvements and repairs including, without limitation, the construction, installation, alteration, removal, or remodeling of any walls, privacy screens, fences, landscaping, golf ball screens/netting, antennas, utility lines structures, installations, and improvements of any kind. For repairs to lot lights, fifth wheel enclosures and stairs, and for the removal of landscaping materials and hedges, a No Fee Permit will be issued. For all other improvements, you must submit a Permit Application and pay a $25 fee. NO WORK CAN START PRIOR TO A & A COMMITTEE APPROVAL OF YOUR PERMIT APPLICATION . If unpermitted work is done, Owners could be subject to fines and possibly removal of this unpermitted work. Approved Permits must be posted on your Washingtonian palm tree at the front of your Lot until the work has received a final inspection. Committed Volunteers Needed. I will also remind Owners that A & A Committee members are volunteers. With Permit Applications showing no sign of slowing down, this season has been a busy one for our Committee members. With so many Owners wanting to improve their Lots it is a very good thing for all of us in the Resort. However, that also means an increased workload for our current Committee members. Being on the Committee can be both demanding and gratifying at
Kathy McCune, A&A Chair
MARCH 2022
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