Spotlight_Vol 24_Issue_2

into someone who’s had one too many and is clearly inebriated. If you ever run into this scenario, say it was nice to meet you and bolt for the bathroom or opposite side of the room as nothing productive or meaningful is going to happen from that conversation or interaction. Look the part, your appearance is important. Now I’m not saying you need to be dressed to the nines or be red carpet camera-ready, but you want to look professional but dress comfortably not the time for that uncomfortable dress shirt as that is the last thing you want to be thinking about. Plus, you don’t want to look like you rolled out of bed and didn’t have time to brush your hair, not that I have that problem. If you want to stand a lot and move around, I will also recommend

Be approachable, your body language is super important in a networking setting. No one wants to talk to someone that looks miserable and is putting out bad vibes. Smile! It might sound obvious but slap a smile on and look like you're happy to be there. They don’t that you have been to ten other events this month or are suffering from jet lag and they shouldn’t. Having said that, be natural and be authentically happy and not fake. It’s pretty easy to tell when people are acting as opposed to reacting, so keep it genuine. At many networking events there is often a bar, having a beer or a cocktail can help take off the edge and is pretty commonplace at these events. On the flip side, you’re not in college at a dorm party, you are at a business event in a professional setting so know your limits. There is nothing worse than bumping


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