Spotlight_Vol 24_Issue_2

an event seems like the advice a parent would give to a ten-year-old, but I’ve run into this enough times that it’s worth mentioning. Carrying around breath mints or strips or maybe some gum is also a good idea to help ensure your breath is fresh and that you are pleasant to speak with just make sure you are not chomping on it like you are playing second base for the Blue Jays. Eating while networking. This one is an acquired skill. The key to not wearing it is to keep the portions small, it’s not a buffet even if it is, and watch the garlic. No one loves hors d’oeuvre more than me but keep it light and you can hit the drive-thru on the way home after the event. Last, but not least make sure that you take the time to follow up with the individuals you meet, especially if you had a conversation with them as it will leave a lasting impression. Nothing like a nice email to say that you enjoyed meeting them in person.

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