Spotlight_Vol 24_Issue_2

It’s a Mental Game Three ways to stay motivated for Optimal Selling by Jody Euloth

There is no question that sales can be tough and stressful on the best of days. Whether you’re selling a product, service, idea, or leading a team of sales professionals, anyone in the sales profession knows that repeated rejection can play havoc on the mind and our personal and professional well-being. Sales is a mental game that requires constant nurturing for oneself to stay motivated and focused on your end goals and targets. It’s important to recognize and understand that not every person you speak with or make an offer to is going to say yes and ‘buy-in’ to what you are selling. Especially not the first time you chat with them, regardless of your offer or product. Studies show that a minimum of four interactions are necessary

with your prospects before you earn the right to their business, and they trust you enough to commit to saying yes. And, on average, a good closing ratio is about 30 percent. This means that out of ten people you are making an offer to, only 3 of them are going to say yes. Of course, several factors are involved in the sales process, including qualifying your leads and the current economic environment; however understanding your closing ratio will help in overcoming the feeling of defeat. If you equate this to sports, a baseball player can be considered ‘Hall of Fame’ material if they can bat over .300. For those not familiar with the sport that means, they will not hit the ball seven out of ten times at bat.

Preparation, Confidence, and Enthusiasm are three


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