Portfolios can also become a drain on both time & money if they aren’t built properly, and just because a portfolio contains a large number of properties does not necessarily mean that it performs well. Most savvy investors understand that real estate investing is not just about buying low and trusting that the property appreciates in value over time to generate a positive return on investment. They also know how to conduct a proper cash flow analysis to ensure that their investments cover ongoing expenses & generate positive net income. In addition, they understand all of the tax advantages that can be realized by the different types of investments they might make. They know how to compare different types of investment properties against each other by calculating capitalization rates, gross rent multipliers, cash-on-cash returns, debt service coverage ratios, and other numerous investment formulas. Conducting these analyses systematically prior to purchasing each property is what creates strong!” Brian Icenhower from Icenhower Coaching & Consulting
your physical mail soon after it’s delivered (or better yet arrange to pick it up at the post office), and refuse to answer phones calls from numbers you don’t recognize (and never share sensitive personal information with a stranger, no matter who they claim to be). Should you suspect you’ve been a victim, contact your real estate broker, title company, credit bureaus, and the local police. There are also title monitoring services that inform you when a change in your title is attempted. Happy Investing!” Robert Helms from The Real Estate Guys Radio Program & Podcast What strategies should I adopt to manage and grow my real estate investment portfolio successfully, as leading industry coaches and consultants advised? “The key to building a real estate investment portfolio is knowing your numbers before you actually start investing! Too often, clients will hire our coaches to help their underperforming portfolios produce as they had initially hoped back when they started investing.
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