Spotlight_Vol 24_Issue_2

The Ships Company Theater’s 2024 Presentation Series Invites Theatre Work from Other Theatre Companies in Atlantic Canada to Take Over The Ship! PRUDE by Probably Theatre written and performed by Lou Campbell Playing from August 2nd through 4th. PRUDE is a hilarious and high-energy blend of stand-up and drag. The piece begins as a motivational talk, given to the audience by the King of the Party, there to show everyone HOW TO HAVE A GOOD TIME. Slowly, through lip-syncs and mortifying personal tales, we watch them unravel onstage, digging into the complex experience of being an asexual in a hyper-sexual world. Tickets available now at http://shipscompanytheatre. com/

Skywhispers of Terrestrial Dreams by Breaking Circus Playing from September 27th through 29th.

The Circus is coming to Parrsboro! Skywhispers of Terrestrial Dreams is a magical wandering journey through an endlessly shifting dreamscape of circus arts and acrobatics. This Breaking Circus production will enchant and take you on a journey of imagination. In this performance installation, skywhispers from the astral realm reach out to issue warning, impart wisdom, carry healing, and offer insight into our past, present and future. If one actively listens, they may find meaning that is intended only for them. Can we embrace this transitional reality where provocation invites curiosity and the mundane is nuanced? Off the beaten path, time has no purchase and recovered details swiftly lose their edges. The dream of today is not the dream of tomorrow or the next day or the day after that. All is mutable. The diverse group of artists presenting this work are members of Breaking Circus Collective, the only, Black-led professional contemporary circus troupe east of Montreal. Audio description/ whispers are an integral part of this performance installation. For inquiries about school performances, please reach out to Tickets available now at http://shipscompanytheatre. com/


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