19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

STUDIO FINTAN Interior Designs That Defy Stereotypical Decor


I nterior decorating entails refining a space to achieve an aesthetically pleasing environment. Although it is closely related to Interior design, which focuses on understanding the client's behavior, personality, and style to plan spaces, the foundation of interior decoration is the furnishing and adornment of spaces to create a particular aesthetic. In the past, interior decorating involved face-to-face meetings between clients and designers. Clients would provide input on their desired style, color palette, furniture, and other elements they wanted to incorporate into their space. The designer would then create a design concept on a mood board, present it to the client, and make necessary revisions until satisfied. As more people began to embrace online shopping and digital communication, they became more comfortable working with designers remotely. E-design, or virtual interior design, has revolutionized how designers work with clients. Many decorators have adapted this e-design concept for their brands to make the process faster, easier, and more accessible. While the industry is filled with established players and new entrants vying for business, smaller interior decorating companies often need help to stand out in the seemingly crowded marketplace. And so, we meet Nigerian-born Stephanie Fintan, Founder and Creative Director of Studio Fintan, based in Ontario, Canada. Studio Fintan is focused on elevating living spaces through accessible e-design. Stephanie shares the inspiration behind the brand's name, "My Irish surname Fintan has a beautiful meaning to it: 'little one; white fire.' I find the tale behind it fascinating. I chose Studio because it evokes a sense of creativity and inspiration. It's a space for artists, musicians, designers, and other creatives to let their imaginations run wild." Studio Fintan was launched online as a small business on the 5th of August, 2021, and has since been gaining traction. Stephanie

Founder Stephanie Fintan

noted that she launched the business at a time when she felt she was ready and bold enough to showcase her work. As the world continues to adapt post-pandemic, more people are looking for ways to improve their living spaces, whether through simple redecoration or a complete renovation. However, the process can be overwhelming, especially for those unfamiliar with design concepts and aesthetics.


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