19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

attention. She attributes keeping an open mind and exploring different sources of inspiration to what has helped her bring fresh ideas and perspectives to her work. As for her plans for Studio Fintan, Stephanie believes she can build a business that resonates with her customers and stands the test of time by constantly evolving and embracing new challenges. Her goal is simple: to keep growing, stay adaptable, and, most importantly, have fun doing it. "By infusing joy and enthusiasm into our work, we can cultivate a positive company culture that inspires creativity and collaboration." - Stephanie Fintan. While Studio Fintan gears toward success, Stephanie remarks that the ultimate goal is to build a relatable, fulfilling, enjoyable brand for all involved. When asked to advise the young budding entrepreneurs, she noted the importance of putting God first and prioritizing Him. She also emphasized the need for entrepreneurs to clearly understand why they started their businesses and regularly revisit these reasons to keep them focused and motivated when things get tough or discouraging. She added that as an entrepreneur, one needs to be their own biggest supporter. Despite the highly competitive interior design and decorating industry, small businesses can still succeed by implementing effective strategies and approaches. Stephanie's resourcefulness and creativity are admirable as she continually works to overcome these challenges and establish a successful brand.

It is on this premise that Studio Fintan seeks to proffer a solution. Studio Fintan aims to be an online platform that connects designers and decorators with people who want to transform their space to exude comfort and beauty. Studio Fintan uses e-design to create 3D renderings and visualization of the design concepts, allowing clients to accurately view what the designs would look like in real life and approve them before implementation. The founder believes that e-design allows us to explore varied perspectives of beauty and is fascinated by how people define and experience it. Her passion for design is fueled by her desire to transform people's spaces and quality of life. The importance of e-design lies in its ability to make interior design more accessible, affordable, and convenient for both designers and clients. The interior design and decorating industry is highly competitive. For small businesses in the industry, limited resources are always a challenge, making it difficult to compete with larger companies. It can affect their ability to attract clients and complete projects efficiently. As a small business in a super competitive industry, Stephanie acknowledges that one of the significant challenges she faces is allocating most of her investments toward branding and marketing efforts to attract her ideal clients. When asked how she gets her inspiration, Stephanie said she finds beauty in the little details that are often ignored, like the clarity and precision of someone's handwriting. She also stated that she gets inspired by the work of other designers, whether in the public space or on social media. Citing movies as an example, Stephanie described her love for storytelling and how it can be a powerful way to capture people's



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