19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

Even the ingredients are better. Yellow processed cheese is being replaced with the deliciously creamy Quesillo from Oaxaca. Instead of the Americanized crispy tacos, soft corn tortillas are all the rage. Food trucks and street vendors are also booming. Many street vendors are serving better and more authentic Mexican food than what was served in the so-called Mexican restaurants back in the day. “I would like to call this a correction in erroneous perceptions about our food—and while we are at it—our culture,” she says. happy. I have fought hard in my career to help change those erroneous perceptions of Mexican food. Good news is that now, there are a lot more of us trying to do the same thing.” Speaking about discrimination as a proud, openly queer person, she has seen her share of issues firsthand. Though ironically, in her experience, the men in the kitchen have shown her, a lesbian, more equality than they do to other heterosexual females. In fact, she has faced more discrimination for being Mexican than for her sexuality. “All of this makes me extremely The only incident related to being a female was when two male Mexican cooks she hired did not want to be told what to do by a woman. She promptly fired them and did their jobs until she could replace them.


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