19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

The Hidden Pearl by Arnold Cheung and Wanpaku Ramen Shop in Brooklyn, New York

That love was passed on to her as she was very comfortable with those ingredients and flavors. To get a deeper understanding, she would eventually force herself to go to a Chinese supermarket every weekend and pick up five things to cook. Two that she had worked with before and three that were completely foreign. These

kitchen. You know, picking out my own tartufo for dessert. I just loved it.” More importantly, she inherited her cooking talents from her parents. Her mother preferred Asian cuisine and stocked her kitchen with fish sauce, black bean paste, and eight or nine different types of soy sauce. Though her father made great nachos, he was a fan of Asian cooking as well.

And her love of food came early as well. The family went to Mongolian Grill for her fifth birthday. Chinese dim-sum was a staple on the weekends. They also frequented a particular Italian restaurant in town. “As soon as we got there, I would… go straight to the kitchen and be like ‘Hi, Chef,’” she recalls of her six-year-old self. “And I would just hang out in the


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