19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

Chef Lazarus Lynch

Specifically, at a time when Americans are having serious conversations about race, equity, gender, and inclusivity, it was a way to come together and say what that all means through food.

a way to come together and say what that all meant through food. So, he looked at it as an opportunity to protest and to align with his beliefs. As the process played out, everything became more concrete when its chairwoman Anna Wintour reached out personally. She assured him that it was not merely a “send your recipe and be done” kind of job. The process involved exchanging ideas back and forth. In the end, the benefit committee chose the ones they felt would work best. For Chef Lynch, the experience was extremely validating. It showed the world that sticking to one’s principles and following one’s heart can lead to a successful path. Obviously, during the event, he was able to rub shoulders with countless celebrities and stars. Miss Wintour, for example, introduced him to designer Tom Ford. He also met Serena and Venus Williams, the extraordinary tennis legends. One of his favorite memories was how he ended up sitting next to actress/singer Jennifer Hudson.

The theme of open-mindedness continued as he was tapped by the Met Gala in New York. His mentor and one of his dear friends, the famed Chef Marcus Samuelsson, reached out and said that he wanted Chef Lynch to be a part of this event and for them to have this opportunity together. In addition to their long-established friendship going back to Chef Lynch’s high school days, Met Gala’s vision to celebrate, amplify, and showcase American voices was another intriguing aspect of this project. At a time when Americans were having serious conversations about race, equity, gender, and inclusivity, it was

Despite constantly changing his field of study, he graduated in four years. And when he looks back at his higher- education experience, all these things exposed him to other interests he now draws on throughout his career. For example, his first creative writing teacher in college told him that he had a great voice and that he should write. It planted a seed, which eventually blossomed into a book. Every small piece led him to his current path. He realizes that if people allow themselves to be curious, to open up to possibilities, and to make new connections, it can lead to great things in the future.


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