19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

to is also alcohol-charged… it’s a really different world.” It wasn’t until a couple of years after they met that Bullock and Anderson decided they had had enough of the social drinking aspect of their lives. Not only did they feel alcohol was holding back their potential, but it wasn’t making them feel their best selves mentally or physically. That’s when their focus turned to an alternative social lubricant to alcohol. Being from Colorado, Bullock knew about legalized weed and its potential in the market. Anderson, on the other hand, came from Massachusetts, where a trip on an edible brownie in college was his sole experience with the substance. Both, however, knew that options for lighter, low-THC infused products were scarce, and that’s when a plan started to take shape: microdosing cannabis. With the experience they had gained at the consultancy, they started to search for ingredients to create a THC- infused beverage that would appeal to all demographics, including non-marijuana users. Consisting of only four milligrams of CBD and two milligrams of THC, Bullock and Anderson eventually landed on their first three flavors: grapefruit rosemary, blood orange cardamom, and lemon lavender. An excellent product combined with clever and appealing marketing quickly made Cann a household name in the rising cannabis beverage industry. Causing a stir and making headlines in major publications, Cann Social Tonics went mainstream when the New York Times did a feature on cannabis drinks. The only problem with the publicity was that cannabis drinks were put on the spot about their safety to the public.


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