19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

Why is Cann thriving compared to its competition? “I think it’s because we’re

Bullock and Anderson quickly defended their product by posting an article on Medium and answering questions on a news program. “There are so many different types of cannabis beverages,” Anderson told Yahoo! Finance. “Cann is the lowest dosage on the market with two milligrams of THC. It’s a product that has a similar intensity to light beer or a glass of wine.” The problem, Anderson added, is that there are also 100-milligram THC beverages that would be too dangerous for an uninitiated consumer. But because the THC beverage category is so new, all the different drink levels get lumped into the same category. Some people even think CBD, which doesn’t have an intoxicating effect, belongs in the same category as THC. To Bullock’s and Anderson’s point, it would be like putting 100-proof alcohol in the same category as a light beer. To the experienced THC user, the difference is clear. But to the person who’s never tried THC products or been to a dispensary, it’s not so obvious. The potential first-time user might be scared off by the possibility of getting “too high,” which is not a state that leaves you feeling sociable. Despite the confusion surrounding THC levels in cannabis beverages, Cann is catching fire. The overall cannabis market grew last year by 30%, while cannabis beverages grew by 50%. But for Cann, they grew by 150% in that same 12-month period.

attacking the mainstream consumer,” Anderson told Yahoo! Finance. “80% of adults want to drink less alcohol. We’re the only product on the market that’s safe enough for someone trading alcohol for a cannabis beverage to consume without fear of being too intoxicated. So it’s a real category expander.” The challenging part for Cann is that state laws make it exponentially more difficult to operate. The company has to build a manufacturing facility in each state where they sell. That means they can’t just move across state lines when Cann decides to expand from California to Nevada. Even the packaging has to look different because of local regulations. Despite that, no rules or regulations can dissuade people from investing in Cann. Bullock and Anderson now have over 35 celebrity endorsements that span different ages, genders, and sexualities. From Gwyneth Paltrow to Adam Devine, Rosario Dawson, Kate Hudson, Baron Davis, and Rebel Wilson, there’s no shortage of actors, musicians, athletes, and more that want to ride the THC and CBD-infused beverage train. It’s pretty easy to see why there’s an army of believers and investors in this duo’s product— because Cann finally offers a way to be healthy while still wanting to have a little fun.



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