19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

THE BEGINNING OF KOKAK CHOCOLATES Carol yearned to create something that reflected her identity and honored her heritage. In June 2020, she started Kokak Chocolates, bringing together her Filipino culture, her LGBTQ+ identity, and her culinary training. With chocolates, she aimed to bring the tropical flavors of the Philippines to the Bay Area. “Kokak” means “ribbit” in Filipino, reflecting her Asian roots. Carol wanted her shop’s name to be different, more of a conversation starter. The name comes from her memory of a pond with frogs and lilypads at her university back in the Philippines. This mental image has also inspired a chocolate bar at Kokak with a frog and a lilypad. INFUSING LOVE INTO HER CHOCOLATES Gancia believes “every flavor has a story, and chocolates are memories.” She shares that, with Kokak, it makes her happy

seeing the messages people write for their loved ones on their gifts. Carol loves the process and creativity of making the chocolates. “Chocolate makes me happy.”- Carol Gancia. At Kokak, she works with her team to make the chocolate-eating experience memorable for them. She focuses on detailing each creation’s flavors, textures, and design. She wants to connect with her customers by engaging all their senses. She wants to inspire people to experience freedom and explore creativity through her chocolates. Sometimes running the business can be difficult, shares Carol. It was especially tough during the pandemic, but special moments at the shop always helped her get back to her purpose. She shares one such incident during Pride month. A mother had written a message for her child on a chocolate gift box saying, “Son, I love you just the way you are. Love, Mom” These moments keep her going, recognizing the love she spreads through the chocolates.


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