19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

Amsterdam, Holland

A s a member of the LGBTQIA+ people with open arms. We’ve researched the globe and compiled a guide to some of the best cities to travel to. So sit back, open your travel wishlist, take notes, and get ready to discover 10 amazing places to check out this summer as we explore some of the best queer hotspots in 2023. AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND Amsterdam is a city that has long been a hub for queer people. In 2001, Holland was the first country in the world to legalize same-sex marriage, paving the way for many other countries to follow. Amsterdam is a city that prides itself on open-mindedness is filled with culture and entertainment that caters to all queers. If you’re LGBTQIA+ community, it can be overwhelming to make travel plans that feel safe and inclusive. Although it is unrealistic to imagine a country free from prejudice and challenges, many cities across the world welcome looking for a place that combines art, history, and a good dose of fun, Amsterdam is the place for you. Their annual Pride is one of the biggest festivals in the country and an experience like no other. Have you ever heard of a floating Pride? In Amsterdam, the parades are held in the canals, street parties are held all around the city, and there’s a busy agenda filled with cultural events. The city also includes a “Pink Point,” an LGBTQIA+ information center, where you can get insider tips on all the best local spots.


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