19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23


The seven hill city of Lisbon, in Portugal, is Europe’s best-kept secret. Whether you’re looking for vibrant nightlife, cultural gems, beautiful beaches, or progressive communities, Lisbon has something for everyone. Wander around the city and prepare to be mind blown by all the ancient castles and palaces, take a walk along the riverside, or find a quirky café to enjoy a classic local snack: an espresso and a custard tart. At night the city comes alive as people gather in the streets to drink and dance the night away. Visit the queer streets and neighborhoods in the Bairro Alto district, the go-to area for Lisbon’s nightlife. Portugal’s LGBTQIA+ rights also rank as some of the most progressive in the world, and their Gender Identity bills make the country one of the safest for Trans and Intersex people.


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