19. TrooRa The LGBTQ+ Not an Issue Summer ’23

features. Not to mention being honest about what looks great and recommending what matches his clients’ fashion senses. But a lot has changed in the industry over the years, and Douglas has learned to change with the times. “The business has changed in the fact that social media has allowed a lot more exposure to what goes on behind the chair as far as displaying the art of stylists and a lot of great access to education,” says Douglas. “Social media provides a platform that allows so many more resources, products, techniques, establishments to be displayed and accessed.” When asked how sustainable success was achieved in an industry that is worth nearly $50 billion in 2023, the answer was obvious. “The biggest thing I learned early on is that you have to absolutely LOVE this industry in order to have longevity because there are so many factors that go into being successful,” says Douglas. For those looking to crack the industry, Douglas has some words of wisdom: “Continued education and training is a must, and never limit yourself to one type of hair. Learn as many different hair textures, colors, and patterns that are available to you. The sky’s the limit with your creativity, so be bold and try as many fun techniques that draw your interest. It will take a few years to become comfortable, so keep exploring and have fun.” Even though June is Pride Month in the United States, Douglas says it’s just a month to highlight awareness and educate people about the historical events and people that belong to the ever- evolving LGBTIQA+ community. “Over the years, I have become proud of who I am as a person and don’t narrow my experience to one month of the year. I live proudly every day of every month and year,” says Douglas. “Pride isn’t limited to one particular community; many people from walks of life celebrate as well.”

Trystanne Cunnigham


Iguehi James

Xue Xue Zhang


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