Board Converting News, October 14, 2024

Delmarva (CONT’D FROM PAGE 30)


support that market,” he said. Delmarva has a long history with its paper supply part- ners and does not spot buy to save a buck here or there. “If I’m just in the spot market every month getting the best deal I can at some point when the chips are down, I’m not going to have as much control over my procurement architecture as I need and I may put Todd at risk in terms of


Haire Group is the premier provider of new machinery for the corrugated industry. From the Apstar line of flexo folder gluers and rotary die cutters, the Encore line of flexo folder gluers and rotary die cutters, and the Engico flexo folder glu- er, Haire is able to pair clients with the best machinery solu- tions for the best value to meet their needs. Haire Group’s service department helps its customers maximize uptime and profitability through superior 24/7 service and support, a pre-install training center, and over a million dollars’ worth of spare parts at their offices just outside of Chicago. Haire Group has been the industry’s #1 pre-owned machinery bro- ker and plant equipment appraiser since 1976. HarperLove is the leading provider of specialty adhesives, performance additives, and wet-strength resins to corru- gated packaging manufacturers. With the largest and most experienced field service and technical support team posi- tioned throughout the U.S. and Latin America, HarperLove has a long-standing reputation for providing outstanding service and delivering demonstrable performance improve- ments. HarperLove’s renowned services include not only innovative product development and custom product for- mulation, but also machine and process assessments, ad- hesive formula adjustments, machine tuning, detailed ser- vice reporting, and more. HARPERLOVE Kernic Systems has been a leading global provider of re- cycling equipment solutions since 1978. For over 40 years, Kernic Systems has provided balers, air conveying and dust collection systems, shredders, industrial vacuums, and re- cycling equipment to a wide range of markets. Today, Ker- nic Systems serves customers with an expanded offering of standard products and custom-engineered systems through three primary business divisions: Recycling Solu- tions, Dust Collection and Air Pollution Control, and Material Handling. Kiwiplan provides state-of-the-art software solutions to cor- rugated, folding carton, plastics and flexible packaging fa- cilities around the globe. Kiwiplan’s Total Solution delivers comprehensive, seamless real-time flow of information from sales order management to dynamic total plant scheduling and inventory control through shipping. With deep manu- facturing and distribution expertise, Kiwiplan knows the specific problems customers face and provides the spe- cialized software they need to adapt, compete, and win in today's rapidly changing world. KERNIC SYSTEMS KIWIPLAN

not having the right amount of the right paper on his floor so he can take care of the PepsiCos of the world. That’s not a risk we’re willing to take. It’s a very normal way that lots of independents function, it’s just not the way we do it,” Mehiel said. His paper partners are those, however, who embrace the science of fiber optimization. “They are a little more likely to be on the cutting edge in terms of reducing basis weight and putting us in a position where we can compete with the integrated guys,” he said. Core Values Above even profit, Mehiel said that safety is everything. That means when an employee’s boss’s boss — namely Dennis D. Mehiel himself — comes into the plant without wearing earplugs, they let him know. And that’s just the kind of culture Mehiel says he wants along with a top-of- The spacious height at the new plant provides ample vertical storage for paper rolls.



October 14, 2024

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