Board Converting News, October 14, 2024

Sun Chemical Issues New Sustainability Report

ucts and services, and collaborations using the ‘five Rs’ framework – Reuse, Reduce, Renew, Recycle, and Rede- sign – to guide its sustainable initiatives and products in an effort to achieve a circular economy. The report’s operations section demonstrates Sun Chemical’s progress in reducing greenhouse gas emis- sions from its use of electricity, steam, and fossil fuels during manufacturing operations. Through the incorpora- tion of energy efficiency projects at manufacturing facili- ties, reductions in water consumption, significant decreas- es in landfill waste, and several awards and certifications for sustainable production, the report’s data reportedly shows notable improvements for the environmental im- pact of Sun Chemical’s operations since the last report.

Sun Chemical released its fourteenth sustainability re- port, emphasizing the business’ continued prioritization of sustainability leadership and commitment to social responsibility. The latest sustainability report shows Sun Chemical’s progress toward its goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2030, with 2013 as a baseline, and becoming net carbon neutral by 2050. Sun Chemical approaches its three business pillars of operations, prod-

The report’s collaborations section ex- plains the importance of cross-industry part- nerships to design and deliver sustainable solutions that contribute to a circular econ- omy. Sun Chemical uses the EcoVadis scor- ing platform to perform risk assessments and ensure its partners’ performances are aligned with Sun Chemical’s sustainable val- ues and goals. The report notes that more than 85 percent of Sun Chemical’s suppliers that participate in the EcoVadis system have achieved a Corporate Social Responsibility score greater than 45/100, Sun Chemical’s acceptable threshold.

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October 14, 2024

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