OPEI 03-2023 quarterly report

show to the bartenders and hotel staff throughout the city,” said Kiser. “They all make the ‘Expo experience’ possible, and we want to say thank you with this concert.” He adds, “The entire industry comes to Expo, and now everyone who participates can come to the party. It’s on us.” Kiser adds Equip Expo also couldn’t be possible without the generous support of the City of Louisville, Louisville Tour- ism, Kentucky Venues, hotels, restaurants, Hardscape North America, the Irrigation Association, Pool and Hot Tub Alli- ance, Professional Grounds Management Society, Kentucky Humane Society, Fern, education partners, members of the media, and others. Registered attendees and exhibitors for Equip Exposition may attend all three nights of entertainment for free with their registration badges serving as tickets. Tourism industry partners can attend the “thank you” concert for free and will be contacted by Equip Expo staff to set up credentialing. In addition to the concert at the KFC YUM! Center, enter- tainment during the 2023 three-day event include: • Expo house band, The Crashers, with a jamming Wel- come Party at the downtown Kentucky International Convention Center Tuesday night, Oct. 17. Food and hors d’oeuvres will be provided and there will be a cash bar. • A free Fourth Street Live! Concert by the Juicebox Heroes starting at 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 18 • World-champion, Kentucky-based chainsaw carver, Abby Peterson, at the Kentucky Exposition Center, Oct. 18-20, to carve a statue of TurfMutt Foundation spokes- dog, Mulligan the TurfMutt. This year, Equip Expo’s entertainment is spread across several well-known Louisville venues — the Kentucky Expo- sition Center, the Kentucky International Convention Center, the KFC YUM! Center, and Fourth Street Live.

recycling partners unless they drop off the batteries directly with certified shipping vendors. Since the original guidance publication, OPEI’s Battery and Electric Products Committee has worked with industry partners to address battery end-of- life management in the obligated states of California, Minne- sota, New York, and Washington. For more, visit www.opei.org/battery-basics.

CPSC ISSUES DEBRIS PENETRATION REPORT OPEI submitted comments Jan. 20 in opposition to a Consumer Product Safety Commission

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NRP) for debris penetration on Recreational Off-Highway Vehi- cles, including some categories of side-by-side utility vehicles included in the scope of OPEI’s B71.9 standard. In its comments, the B71.9 Committee provided new evidence that the B71.9-2022 revised standard debris penetra- tion procedures and requirements are more repeatable and comprehensive than the NPR requirements. As a result, OPEI reemphasized that the CPSC should defer to the industry voluntary standard to resolve debris penetration concerns versus promulgating unique rules.


OPEI has partnered with Don Rheem, CEO of E3 Solutions, to support member efforts to reduce turnover, boost productiv- ity, and improve the employee experience. “Don was a featured keynote speaker at our Annual Meeting in San Juan, and we received great feedback on his session,” said OPEI President Kris Kiser. “As members con- tinue to look for ways to recruit and retain employees, this science-based solution makes a lot of sense.” The CultureID survey tool captures employees’ feedback on how they feel at work. Results are then translated into ac- tionable next steps to strategically improve company culture. OPEI members will receive a 10 percent discount on Cul- tureID services. Members can learn more at www.cultureid. com/outdoorpower.


OPEI and fellow industry associations have updated their in- dustry guidance document focused on transportation of high energy (>300Wh) batteries. As the industry continues to shift into larger-format battery applications, the need to properly care for these batteries at the end-of-life grows as well. Today’s transportation regulations limit end users’ ability to easily ship these batteries back to manufacturers or potential

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