ECX PRIME 16 L ∅ 16 mm, brushless, BLDC motor Key Data: 50/53 W, 24.7 mNm, 25 000 rpm
M 1:1
Motor data Nominal voltage No load speed No load current Nominal speed Nominal torque
1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6_ 7_ 8_ 9_
24 36 17700 19900 97.2 78.6 16200 18400 24.7 23.7 1.99 1.45 316 339 23.6 19.7 87.8 88.1 1.01 1.83 0.033 0.0586 12.9 17.2 740 555 58.2 58.9 1.39 1.41 2.28 2.28
rpm mA rpm mNm mNm A A
Nominal current (max. continuous current)
Stall torque Stall current Max. efficiency Terminal resistance Terminal inductance Torque constant Speed constant Speed/torque gradient Mechanical time constant
% Ω
10_ 11_ 12_ 13_ 14_ 15_ 16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_ 21_ 22_ 23_ 24_ 25_ 26_ 27_ 28_ 29_ 30_ 31_ 32_
mNm/A rpm/V rpm/mNm
ms gcm 2
Rotor inertia Thermal data
Operating range n [rpm] winding 36 V
Thermal resistance housing-ambient Thermal resistance winding-housing Thermal time constant winding Thermal time constant motor Ambient temperature Max. winding temperature Mechanical data ball bearings Max. speed
16.7 1.65 5.76 462 -20…+100 155
s s
°C °C
rpm mm
25 000 0…0.14 1.0 push
Axial play Preload Radial play Direction of force
Continuous operation Continuous operation with reduced thermal resistance R th2 50% Short term operation
Max. axial load (dynamic) Max. force for press fits (static) (static, shaft supported) Max. radial load [mm from flange]
1.0 50
M [mNm]
1000 10 [5]
Gear 381_GPX 16 A/C 382_GPX 16 LN/LZ 383_GPX 16 HP 386_GPX 19 A/C 387_GPX 19 LN/LZ 388_GPX 19 HP Modular system
Details on catalog page 44
Other specifications Number of pole pairs Number of phases Weight of motor Typical noise level [rpm]
Motor Control 547_DEC Module 50/5 551_ESCON 36/3 EC 551_ESCON Module 50/5 553_ESCON 50/5 557_ESCON2 Micro 60/5 564_EPOS4 Module 50/5 567_EPOS4 Compact 50/5 569_EPOS4 50/5 570_EPOS4 Disk 60/8
Sensor 507_ENX 10 EASY 508_ENX 10 EASY XT 509_ENX 16 EASY 510_ENX 16 EASY XT 511_ENX 16 EASY Abs. 512_ENX 16 EASY Abs. XT 519_ENX 16 RIO
2 3 66 52 [20 000]
1–2 1–2 2–3 3–4 3–4 4
Connection motor (Cable AWG 22) Pin 1 Motor winding 1 (red) Pin 2 Motor winding 2 (black) Pin 3 Motor winding 3 (white) Pin 4 N.C. Connector, Part number Molex, 39-01-2040 Connection sensors (Cable AWG 26) Pin 1 Hall sensor 1 (yellow) Pin 2 Hall sensor 2 (brown) Pin 3 Hall sensor 3 (grey) Pin 4 GND (blue) Pin 5 V Hall 3…24 VDC (orange) Pin 6 N.C. Connector, Part number Molex, 430-25-0600 Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 67
Flange back: end cap/flange with thread holes Shaft front/back: length/diameter Electric connection: cable length/connector/connection alignment
maxon EC motor 237
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