EC-4pole 32 ∅ 32 mm, brushless, 220 watt Heavy Duty – for applications in air
M 1:2
Stock program Standard program Special program (on request)
Part numbers
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
397798 393879
Motor data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage and ambient temperature °C 1 Nominal voltage V 2 No load speed rpm 3 No load current mA 4 Nominal speed1 rpm 5 Nominal torque1 mNm 6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 7 Stall torque mNm 8 Stall current A 9 Max. efficiency % Characteristics 10 Terminal resistance phase to phase Ω 11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 12 Torque constant mNm/A 13 Speed constant rpm/V 14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 15 Mechanical time constant ms 16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1Values for operation in thermal equilibrium. Thermal data Specifications
25 48
100 48 6650 113 5870 261 3.85 2520 36.7 89 1.31 0.298 68.7 139 2.65 3.55 128
150 48 6770 109 6080 196 2.98 2150 31.9 89 1.51 0.298 67.4 142 3.16 4.24 128
200 48 6890 107 6470 104 1.67 1860 28.1 88 1.71 0.298 66.2 144 3.71 4.98 128
6470 149 5710 334 4.87 3350 47.5 1.01 0.298 70.5 135 1.94 2.6 128 89
Operating range
Continuous operation In observation of above listed thermal resistance (lines 17 and 18) and above listed ambient temperature, the maximum permissible winding temperature will be reached during continuous operation = thermal limit. Short term operation The motor may be briefly overloaded (recurring). Assigned power rating This motor contains leaded solder. It therefore does not fulfill the requirements for the permit- ted maximum concentration of hazardous substances in accordance with the EC directive 2011/65/EC (RoHS) for all applications. The motor may therefore only be used for devices that are not subject to this directive. *The Hall sensors in this motor are rated for ambient temperatures up to 150°C. The motor with Hall sensors is fully tested at 200°C in the final inspection. Nevertheless, the Hall sensors may temporarily fail below 200°C under certain conditions. Notice
n [rpm]
TA = 25°C TA = 100°C TA = 150°C TA = 200°C
19 Thermal time constant winding 20 Thermal time constant motor 21 Ambient temperature* 22 Max. winding temperature Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 23 Max. speed 17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 18 Thermal resistance winding-housing
4 K/W 0.53 K/W 18.4 s 1720 s
12000 9000 6000 3000
-55…+200°C +240°C
0 mm 12 000 rpm 0.14 mm preloaded 16 N 80 N 3000 N
24 Axial play at axial load 25 Radial play
< 20 N > 20 N
50 100 150 200 250 300 M [mNm] 1.0 I [A] 3.0 4.5 6.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 27 Max. force for press fits (static) (static, shaft supported) 28 Max. radial load, 5 mm from flange Other specifications 29 Number of pole pairs 30 Number of phases 31 Weight of motor Connection A, motor cable PTFE (AWG 14) red Motor winding 1 black Motor winding 2 white Motor winding 3 Connection A, sensors cable PTFE (AWG 24) green V Hall 4.5…24 V blue GND red Hall sensor 1 black Hall sensor 2 white Hall sensor 3 Connection B, motor cable PTFE (AWG 14) red Motor winding 1 black Motor winding 2 white Motor winding 3 Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 67
75 N
General – extreme temperature applications – vibration tested (according to MIL-STD810F/Jan2000 Fig. 514.5C-10) – ultra-high vacuum applications (modifications necessary). low outgassing, can be baked out at 240°C Aerospace – gas turbine starter/generators for aircraft engines – regulation of combustion engines Oil & Gas Industry – oil, gas and geothermal wells Robotics – robotic exploration vehicles Industry – pumps and valves for liquid metal cooling systems/turbine fuel and steam control – valve adjustment for gas and steam power plants
2 3
860 g
296 maxon EC motor
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