maxon Product Range 2025/26

1-Q-EC Amplifier Summary The basic function of EC motors electronics is the electronic commutation of the motor winding.

Simple speed controls are possible with Hall sensors. A further distinction is made between open or closed loop speed control.

1-Q amplifier functions in motor operation. Direction reverse via digital signal.

DEC Module 24/2 1-Q-EC Amplifier Operating modes

Functionality Direction of rotation preset by a digital signal. The motor shaft can be enabled or disabled. Adjustable maximum current limitation. Set value speed input through external analog voltage. Status indicator with “Ready”-Out- put. Protection circuit The power amplifier is protected against ther- mal overload and the control inputs against overvoltage.

Digital speed control or open loop speed control operation can be preset by a digital signal. Excellent price-performance ratio Reasonably priced 1-Q-EC amplifier optimi- zed for OEM applications in small applian- ces. OEM Module Miniaturized open electronics board. Two connector arrays arranged in a 2.54 mm (0.1“) pattern support easy connectivity and inte- gration into the motherboard.

The DEC Module 24/2 (Digital EC Controller) is a 1-quadrant amplifier for controlling EC mo- tors with Hall sensors with a maximum output of 48 watts. Technical data page 547.

DEC Module 24/2 Connections Male header

8 + 9 = 17 poles 2.54 mm



DEC Module 24/2

20.38 17.78

1.6 2.54

Dimensions in [mm]


DEC Module 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier Operating modes

Functionality Direction of rotation preset by a digital signal. The motor shaft can be enabled or disabled. Adjustable maximum current limitation. Set value speed input through external analog voltage. Speed can be monitored through the speed monitor output. Status indicator with “Ready”-Output. Protection circuit The power amplifier is protected against ther- mal overload and the control inputs against overvoltage.

Digital speed control or open loop speed control operation can be preset by a digital signal. Excellent price-performance ratio Reasonably priced 1-Q-EC amplifier optimi- sed for OEM applications in small appliances. OEM Module Miniaturized open electronics board. Con- nector arrays arranged in a 2.54 mm (0.1“) pattern support easy connectivity and inte- gration into the motherboard.

The DEC Module 50/5 (Digital EC Controller) is a 1-quadrant amplifier for controlling EC mo- tors with Hall sensors with a maximum output of 250 watts. Technical data page 547.

DEC Module 50/5 Connections Male header 1 Male header 2

2 rows, 2 x 9 poles 1 row, 8 poles


2.54 mm 380200



DEC Module 50/5

43.18 38.10




Dimensions in [mm]

546 maxon motor control 

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