Standard specification no. 100 maxon DC motor 1 Basics
Standard specification no. 101 maxon EC motor 1. Basics
The standard specification describes tests and inspections that are per- formed on the finished motor and during the manufacturing process. To safeguard our high quality standard, we inspect materials, individual parts, assemblies, and the finished motor for conformity with specified dimen- sions and properties. The results are recorded statistically and can be viewed by the customer on request. Sampling plans in acc. with ISO 2859 and DIN/ISO 3951 are used (attribute inspection, follow-up inspection and variable inspec- tion), as well as self-monitoring procedures of the manufacturing departments. This standard specification applies in all cases where no other specification has been agreed upon between the customer and maxon. 2. Data 2.1 Electrical data apply at temperatures between 22 and 25 °C. Data check within one minute of runtime. Measuring voltage ≤ maximum Direction of rotation cw = clockwise Motor orientation horizontal or vertical Additional information: The measuring voltage may deviate from the nominal voltage listed in the catalog. The no-load current specified in the cata- log is a typical value, not the maximum. If the red wire or the terminal marked + is connected to the positive terminal, then the shaft (seen from the face) turns clockwise. For counterclockwise (ccw) operation, the specified tolerances may be exceeded slightly. Terminal resistance: Winding resistance is checked in samples during pro- duction. The terminal resistance is determined during the product qualifica- tion. Observe that the terminal resistance depends on the rotor position. Be- cause contact resistance of graphite brushes varies with the current density, resistance measurement with an ohmmeter does not deliver meaningful re- sults for small currents. In the case of precious metal brushes, the resistance measurements show a value that's too low when the brush bridges two com- mutator plates, shorting part of a coil. The inductance is determined during the product qualification. The measur- ing frequency is 1 kHz. The terminal inductance of the motor is frequency- dependent. ±0.5% for voltages ≥ 3 V and ±0.015 V for voltages ≤ 3 V No-load speed No-load current ±10 % Commutation: The check for neutral setting and electrical errors, e.g. wind- ing discontinuities or winding shorts, is performed using an oscilloscope. The commutation graphs of precious metal and graphite brushes are not directly comparable. Precious metal brushes have a clearer commutation graph that remains interference-free up to the limit speed, approximately. For graphite brushes, this can only be expected at speeds up to 1/3 of the limit speed. For graphite brush motors, the brush contact resistance changes over time. The same applies to the torque constant due to the overlap between commutator plates. As a result, the no-load current and the speed change slightly. A similar effect can be observed when the motor has been run without load over a long time. 2.2 Mechanical data as shown in the dimensional drawing: Assembly-dependent dimensions are sampled in acc. with the sampling schedule. This does not ap- ply to form and position tolerances. The process uses standard measurement tools (electrical length measurement, micrometers, dial gauges, calipers, plug and thread gauges, etc.). The calibration of the measuring instruments follows the standards listed below: − E N ISO 10012:2003 Measurement management systems − Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment − EN ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories − VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 Test equipment monitoring 2.3 Imbalance: Rotors are balanced according to our standard during the manufacturing process. 2.4 Noise: Each batch is tested for outliers. The motion inside a motor causes noise and vibration depending on speed. The noise and vibrations may vary in their frequency and intensity. The noise level of an individual sample does not permit any conclusions about the noise or vibration level of a future delivery. 2.5 Service life: Service life tests are conducted according to unified, internal cri- teria as part of the product qualification. The service life of a motor primarily depends on the operating modes and ambient conditions. The great diversity of applications does not permit us to make a general statement of service life. 2.6 Environmental testing Corrosion protection: Our products are tested based on DIN EN 60068-2-30 during product qualification. Coating of the components: The finishing and coating processes are selected for best corrosion protection. Such layers are checked during product qualifi- cation, in accordance with the applicable standard. 3. Parameters that deviate from or supplement the data sheet can be deter- mined and then become part of the systematically performed inspection, as customer specification. Inspection certificates are supplied, if agreed upon in advance.
The standard specification describes tests and inspections that are performed on the finished motor and during the manufacturing process. To safeguard our high quality standard, we inspect materials, individual parts, assemblies, and the finished motor for conformity with specified dimensions and properties. The results are recorded statistically and can be viewed by the customer on request. Sampling plans in acc. with ISO 2859 and DIN/ISO 3951 are used (attribute inspection, follow-up inspection and variable inspection), as well as self-monitoring procedures of the manufacturing departments. This standard specification applies in all cases where no other specification has been agreed upon between the customer and maxon. 2. Data 2.1 Electrical data apply at temperatures from 22 to 25 °C, using a 1-quadrant con- troller with block commutation. Data check within one minute of runtime. Measuring voltage ≤ maximum Direction of rotation cw = clockwise Motor orientation horizontal or vertical Additional information: The measuring voltage may deviate from the nominal voltage listed in the catalog. The no-load current specified in the catalog is a typical value, not the maximum. When connected as per the catalog (or mark- ing), the shaft rotates clockwise (seen from the face side). The terminal resistance is checked by sampling. The inductance is determined during product qualification. The measuring frequency is 1 kHz. The terminal inductance is frequency-dependent. These measurements are sufficient to ensure compliance with electro-mechanical specifications. 2.2 Mechanical data as shown in the dimensional drawing: Assembly-dependent dimensions are sampled in acc. with the sampling schedule. This does not ap- ply to form and position tolerances. The process uses standard measurement tools (electrical length measurement, micrometers, dial gauges, calipers, plug and thread gauges, etc.). The calibration of the measuring instruments follows the standards listed below: − EN ISO 10012:2003 Measurement management systems − Requirements for measurement processes and measuring equipment − EN ISO/IEC 17025 General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories − VDI/VDE/DGQ 2618 Test equipment monitoring ±0.5% for voltages > 3 V and ±0.015 V for voltages ≤ 3 V No-load speed No-load current ±10 % 2.3 Imbalance: Rotors for EC motors with air-gap windings are balanced in accor- dance with our standard during the manufacturing process. For EC motors with wound stator teeth, the rotors are mounted in gauges but, as a standard, are not balanced. For the finished motor, only a subjective assessment is possible, which is done by sampling. 2.4 Following DIN EN 60204-1 and EN 60034-1, the dielectric strength is always determined using a high-voltage tester. It is connected between motor connection (electrical) and motor housing or shaft. Parts with integrated electronics are excepted. Test conditions for EC motors ≤ ∅ 13 mm − Test voltage 250 VDC for 2 s (motor at standstill) − Ramp time (up and down): 1 s − Good / bad output − Leakage current < 0.25 mA Test conditions for EC motors > ∅ 13 mm − Test voltage 500 VDC for 2 s (motor at standstill) − Ramp time (up and down): 1 s − Good / bad output − Leakage current: < 0.5 mA 2.5 Noise: Each batch is tested for outliers. The motion inside a motor causes noise and vibration depending on speed. The noise and vibrations may vary in their frequency and intensity. The noise level of an individual sample does not permit any conclusions about the noise or vibration level of a future delivery. 2.6 Service life: Service life tests are conducted according to unified, inter- nal criteria as part of the product qualification. The service life of an EC motor mainly depends on the bearing life. This is determined by the operating mode, the bearing load, and ambient conditions. The great diversity of applica- tions does not permit us to make a general statement of service life. 2.7 Environmental testing Corrosion protection: Our products are tested based on DIN EN 60068-2-30 during product qualification. Coating of the components: The finishing and coating processes are selected for best corrosion protection. Such layers are checked during product qualifi- cation, in accordance with the applicable standard. 3. Parameters that deviate from or supplement the data sheet can be deter- mined and then become part of the systematically performed inspection, as customer specification. Inspection certificates are supplied, if agreed upon in advance.
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