2025 Hospitality Guide

COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION OF THE GAME Spread awareness for your organization by becoming the Community Organization of the Game! Includes a kiosk on the concourse, public address announcements and a group announcement in game.


For more information on how to become the Community Organization of the Game, please contact mchernesky@columbiafireflies.com


Palmetto Citizens FCU All-Star Seats

Gregory Technologies Reserved Seats

Located in sections 102 - 110, All-Star Seats allow you to block off a group of tickets in some of the best seats in the house and sell them for $17 a ticket. Opportunity to earn back $5 per ticket sold.

Located in sections 101, 111 or 112, Reserved Seats allow you to block off a group of tickets and sell them for $15 a ticket. Opportunity to earn back $5 per ticket sold.

Fireflies Group Hat Included

For partnership inquiries, please contact jhaller@columbiafireflies.com

Fireflies Group Hat Included

20 Ticket Minimum Required

20 Ticket Minimum Required



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