January 2024 Volume 4 Edition 6

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) - The LCAP is a tool for our District to set goals, plan actions and prioritize resources to meet the goals of improving student outcomes. The District invites members of our school communities (students, parents, staff and community members) to meet each Spring to evaluate this Plan to ensure we have a voice from all. All District expenditures are based off of this Plan to ensure we are meeting the needs of our students and staff to increase our programs and student outcomes. Please look for invitations to attend these meetings which will take place in the Spring. It is a continuous process followed throughout each school year. Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) - The State began using this funding formula in 2013. It changed how local educational agencies (LEAs) in the State are funded, how they are measured, and the services and supports they receive to allow all students to succeed to their greatest potential. The State has created the formula that our District complies with, which includes creating our LCAP and submitting it to the Placer County Office of Education for review and approval. Local Resources ~ These are funds received from our communities (donations) and are not restricted unless the donor designates a specific program/use. This funding category also includes restricted resources from local agencies and county offices that must be used on the local agencies-prioritized programs (example is the Strong Workforce Grants). State Funding ~ Funds are based on the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF - see below) and provides the majority of our funding. These funds are mostly generated based on average daily attendance (ADA), which is funded with a combination of property taxes and State aide. The District must submit a Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP - see below) which is a requirement of the LCFF. Categorical State Funding ~ These are received from the State to use on State-prioritized programs . These too have numerous restrictions and reporting requirements. This would be the funding source of the 1-time COVID monies that are used to address learning loss. School district's budgets and finances can be very overwhelming and confusing. In an effort to explain, I will touch on a few 'revenue' items and how we determine where the revenue is spent. REVENUE : There are three basic revenue streams that we receive our income through: Categorical Federal Funding ~ These funds are based on student populations/enrollment and are very restrictive. Funds must be used on Federally-prioritized programs. There are numerous compliance and reporting requirements to use these funds.





By law, our District has to present the prior year Audit Report and the First Interim Financial Report at the December Board Meeting each year. The Board has to take action because of the legally-required timelines. By following guidelines and procedures, employees from the entire District help maintain a fiscally-sound budget. It is always so rewarding when auditors let us know there are no findings and complement the good work of our District staff, specifically our Business Department.

There are links on our District website with more information, both on the home page and in the Business Department page.

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